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Everything posted by pdnnoob

  1. A combination of glass text tutorial and this one Hidden Content: Great tut!
  2. Ahh...it works now! thanks XD (the button would still be useful, though )
  3. Hope you fix a lot of these bugs soon...I use several of the plugins on a regular basis O.O I'm having problems with the displacement map. Whenever I click "open" PDN crashes. I looked at the crash log and I have no idea what anything meant...this looks suspicious, though :? Exception details: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void PaintDotNet.FileTypeCollection..ctor(System.Collections.ICollection)'. at CurtisBlack.Common.PDNIO.RequestFileName(Control owner) at CurtisBlack.Effects.Displacement.DisplacementConfigDialog.PromptAndLoadDocument() at CurtisBlack.Effects.Displacement.DisplacementConfigDialog.buttonOpen_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
  4. looks like either the text was too thin or the bevel you used on the text was too much...
  5. could you also use the paint bucket? I believe you can change the fill...
  6. it depends on what kind of an outcome you are looking for. A circle could look flat if you don't use the right effects to fix it...I'll post an example picture to illustrate soon. EDIT: illustration Hidden Content: The shape 3D version took about 20 seconds. I had to make the shading for the other planet, but, to some degree, I think it has a little more...personality.
  7. ah...sorry 'bout that :oops: . typically, better tutorials come after the less impressive ones. I'll go fix my other post...
  8. Thanks for all the comments, everyone! (again) @funfun I hope I didn't misinterpret your message...that is supposed to look like glowing metal, right? Nice work if I'm correct One suggestion...make the glow a little smaller, but brighter. Other than that, great job!
  9. Nice tutorial! This is probably the most complex I've seen in a while. A few suggestions: 1. As Tendercrisp said here... Use feather on the picture of the earth. The pixelated edges there really gave me a bad impression of the tutorial when I first looked (but, after I read the whole thing, I was like :shock: )2. Lower the saturation of the explosion. I would never expect to see colors as bright as those anywhere short of an animated film by Disney. 3. Instead of using "rotate/zoom" to rotate the ring, try "shape 3D." Shape 3D has an anti-alias feature that takes away the pixelated effect. 4. To give the ring less of a "paper-thin" look, draw an outline around the outside edge with a very similar color (on a new layer), add black and white noise, use median, and smudge it. You should end up with a sort of 3D ring around the edge if you do it right. That should cover the sharp edge the rotation made. Note: all comments based on first image That list ended up being longer than I wanted :? I hope I didn't offend anybody. As I said...I'm very impressed with this tut. Great work! EDIT: NOOO!!! Smudge doesn't work with pdn 3.5 yet I'll have to finish my attempt later
  10. My try. Good tutorial, btw. There is a lot you can do with this EDIT:
  11. yay for the awesome tutorials on the forums! Hidden Content: The original image was twice as big as this one... By the way, the outline and shine you made sorta make it look...unreal. If you blur both a little (I used true blur), it looks a little better. Nice tutorial! Very inspiring.
  12. are those GIF or maybe Bitmap images? that may be why the quality is so terrible.
  13. it isn't THAT bad... ~the top edge is a little too dark...maybe you should try to remove the small strip of total blackness that goes...all the way around the rock? ~on the bottom, the dimly lit portion should be darker. If this is an asteroid, stars don't emit enough light to get something to be that bright. ~Put a few bulges on the lighted portions of your asteroid...that will help make the top look a little less like a flat slab of rock btw...nice rock! how did you make the texture?
  14. it isn't THAT bad... ~the top edge is a little too dark...maybe you should try to remove the small strip of total blackness that goes...all the way around the rock? ~on the bottom, the dimly lit portion should be darker. If this is an asteroid, stars don't emit enough light to get something to be that bright. ~Put a few bulges on the lighted portions of your asteroid...that will help make the top look a little less like a flat slab of rock btw...nice rock! how did you make the texture?
  15. very nice...but should there be a reflection of the shooting star too?
  16. very nice...but should there be a reflection of the shooting star too?
  17. Very nice piece of artwork...I have just a few things to say. ~you need stars in the top left corner and on the bottom...unless there is a reason you left those places black. I'm thinking it has something to do with the nebula. Maybe you could just add some noise with the coverage at a low setting. ~The quality of the picture of the nebula is much lower than the quality of the planets. I'm guessing you took the nebula from a different picture and pasted it on yours. If you still have the picture separated into layers, try shrinking just the nebula so that the details look like details and not small fuzzy splotches on your picture. I hope I'm actually helpful and not the noob I called myself
  18. Very nice piece of artwork...I have just a few things to say. ~you need stars in the top left corner and on the bottom...unless there is a reason you left those places black. I'm thinking it has something to do with the nebula. Maybe you could just add some noise with the coverage at a low setting. ~The quality of the picture of the nebula is much lower than the quality of the planets. I'm guessing you took the nebula from a different picture and pasted it on yours. If you still have the picture separated into layers, try shrinking just the nebula so that the details look like details and not small fuzzy splotches on your picture. I hope I'm actually helpful and not the noob I called myself
  19. @AnonymousOne Nice pictures! I forgot to tell all of you, have fun with the luminosity! With bigger text, you can mess with it more. When you have small text, it might be better to just raise the contrast. Thanks for all the comments!
  20. pdnnoob


    Thanks. I meant to change those, but I forgot. nice picture!
  21. pdnnoob


    EDIT: moved to the first post.
  22. pdnnoob


    I used some of yellowman's tip that he gave me to make this: Is it good enough to be a tutorial?
  23. pdnnoob


    There are two cloud...thingys. The one that comes with Paint.net makes clouds out of your primary and secondary colors. The plugin takes the layer and turns it into clouds...I hope I explained that well enough so that you can understand...
  24. It looks like that because you didn't do anything with the curves tool.
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