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Everything posted by pdnnoob

  1. So...I decided to make a sig for myself with links to each of my tutorials and look at what I got. The bottom part of the frame refuses to make contact with the rest of the picture! Here's the BBCode I used. There are 9 images involved so it's a little long, but it almost worked. [size="1"]==SIG CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS== DX why is that stupid blank spot showing!?[/size] [size=0][img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/1.png][url=http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form&fromMemberID=54230][img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/2.png][/url][img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/3.png] [img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/4.png][url=http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13925-chrome-text-with-melting-chrome-text/][img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/5.png][/url][url=http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14481-clouds/][img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/6.png][/url][url=http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18501-shynetex/page__pid__316129__st__0entry316129][img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/7.png][/url][img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/8.png] [url=http://deetroyt.myminicity.com/][img=http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/pdnnoob%20sig/9.png][/url][/size] Did I do something wrong, or is it a bug I'm going to have to deal with?
  2. Tough choice...but I think I'm vote for Possum! nice work everyone!
  3. blending cloud layers together is the newbie way of making lightning. If you want usable lightning, you draw it yourself. Nice tutorial! If you made the electricity a little thinner, it would look more realistic, but would take much longer. I do agree with using lens, though, if you could make the side facing away from the "camera" show between the electrical arcs up front. Shape 3D tends to make most textures look messed up
  4. pdnnoob


    thanks! it's weird what you can make by just messing around with effects logically XD This tutorial was a total accident
  5. I think he means he wants to remove a background from an image so that he can paste the desired object somewhere else. You got the paste somewhere else part. Here's the remove background part. So...if you had an image like this: there are two ways you can cut out the bird. Both are tutorials on this forum. and When you're done...
  6. edit your starting post to change the title. change it to something related to your question (you were asking for suggestions on drawing cartoons?).
  7. restart pdn and it should work. If it doesn't, I have no idea what is going on
  8. Wow...I never would have thought of that. Being a critical critic and a perfectionist, though, I have a few suggestions for improvement. (you should feel honored! This is the only gallery I've posted anything on ) 1. I'm not sure about the style of art, but you did a great job imitating professional versions of the style. I would like to say, though, this type of art is intended to be less about realism than you made it. (that is a compliment...just saying you made some parts a little too realistic for that style o.o ) If you could find a way to make the quality of each part a little more even, it would be perfect. For example, the eyes, though the best I've ever seen, are a little out of place because of their awesomeness. They are on top of a blurry grungy texture which is on top of a shine that looks like something you would see in an HQ real life photo of a solar eclipse. Then the background is this plain black image with a bunch of cartoon stars. The realistic parts really take away from the rest of the image if you see what I mean. The other parts would be great if the entire image matched their style. 2. Red stars? That's all I've got. Nice work. It really amazes me how you made those eyes...and the bright light. Keep up the good work! PS I made a new text tutorial for you to look at...finally XD Check my sig
  9. Check my signature too ^^ I know some people who use that tutorial for more than just text.
  10. Shade on a different layer with, yes, the paintbrush. You can zoom in to reduce shakiness. Use blurs and different sized brushes too. Erasing isn't a bad thing either.
  11. I'm terrible with cartoon art, but I do have some tips... 1. Use the line tool. It makes a clean, precise line...perfect for cartoons. 2. Use as many lines as necessary, but no more than that. To make it look like a comic strip sketchy style, be free with the lines, but don't use too many to draw one object. 3. Use layers for different parts of a drawing. Have one for the outlines of the cow, one for details on the giraffe, etc. You never know when it might come in handy 4. Name the layers you make That's all I can think of at the moment. Hope it helps!
  12. Ahhh...great >.< Totally forgot about that. Ask the people who made the plugins to send you a link to the downloads. I don't think I can help you much more than post attempts at making this effect you are looking for. Sorry EDIT: @Sarkut(below) the links in the links are not functional though
  13. There isn't a plugin made for that, but if you combine a few and throw in some layers, you could get the results you are looking for...brb I'll go find some EDIT: here's some plugins that may come in handy Sine Wave Distort Plugin Film, Jitter, and smudge motion blur is built into pdn
  14. so more like an actual picture getting messed up by some noise? If yes, I'm not quite sure how to do it, but I'll try.
  15. Some tutorials... Old photo tutorial: Possible camera when hits the floor?
  16. pdnnoob


    This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it Another text tutorial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So...We are making this: See end for better quality text after you complete the tutorial. Plugins: None Optional plugins: Align Object If I missed one, please include it in your cynical comments. Thanks! NOTE: If you don't think naming your layers is important the way I do, name your layers anyways. I learned my lesson the hard way and hope you don't do the same. Let's begin! 1. Fill the Background layer with black and make a new layer called "text base" 2. Change the primary color to your favorite color and type in big letters (at least 70 pt font. The bigger it is, the better the results...just keep it under 150 ) with a script style font. I used "Vladmir Script." If you use Windows, it should be a default font. If you want, you can use the "Align object" plugin to center the text 3. Duplicate the text layer and name the new layer "spare text." Uncheck layer visibility. 4. Go back to "text base" and run the "median" plugin at the highest radius setting you can while keeping every part of the text visible (I use 2 radius) 5. Duplicate the "spare text" layer and name the new layer "text highlights" and make it visible. Turn off the text base layer so we can see what we are doing. 6. Use median on the new layer as in the picture. This is where larger text comes in handy. I used very small text for the tutorial, so the results may not be so great here. As mentioned at the beginning, see end for better quality results. 7. Make the base layer visible again and adjust the hue and saturation of the highlights layer to your liking. (as you see, I liked saturation at 70 and lightness at 50) 8. Select all of the highlight layer and drag it so the edge of the light text meets the edge of the base text. Look at image below to see what I mean. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This last part is just my quick-and-easy way of making glow. If you have your own way of making glow, go ahead and use it if you don't want to go through a mere seven simple steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Duplicate the text base layer and call it "glow (base)" then do the same with the highlights layer and call that one "glow (highlights)" 10. Gaussian blur both layers at 5 pixels. If you want, before Gaussian blurring, run glow at -30 brightness and 4 radius. Only recommended for larger text. Change the layer properties of these new glow layers as necessary. (Additive at 90 opacity looks nice on the highlight glow) 11. Move the "spare text" layer down until it is the bottommost layer above the background. Rename it "glow (all)" and make it visible. 12. Gaussian blur at 5 pixels 13. (Hue/Saturation) Increase saturation to 150 and lower the Lightness to -30 14. Lower the layer opacity to 180. 15. Flatten image. You're done! I thought this text looks nice with a mess of gradients... Here's the HQ version I promised: Have Fun!
  17. agreed. This new forum...will rock when I figure it out The new picture viewer is cool too. Maybe if someone posted a tutorial on all the features of this new forum...(hint hint ) @Possum Some new competitions would be nice...please don't make some collage thing again. I'm terrible with those
  18. I just use it for fun and if necessary, I also use it for homework, other work, etc. It's basically my all-purpose image editor. I rarely switch over to GIMP or any of my other image editing programs unless I absolutely must have a certain brush. I've been using PDN since v2 (first got it because I couldn't find MS Paint XD I was so noob back then)and the updates have kept up with all my needs since then. PDN rocks!
  19. Follow the tutorial in the attachment from 1-7. Should get you what you want Edit by Rick: Deleted 1MB attachment... why on earth would you post that here? Upload it to your own server and post a link.
  20. I'm not sure what it is you actually want. I attached a pic of what I think you might be trying to say. (the last one is just a cool effect I made while trying to do what you said ) If none of those is it, could you please be more specific about what you want? thanks!
  21. If there is still time, I'll post an entry. However... There are two composers for my date. One of their birth dates is actually not confirmed and the other is...let's just say there has only been one picture of him that ever made it to Google. I'm going with your "find some other personal date" idea EDIT: Server for the site crashed or something >.< I guess I'll have to wait
  22. Wow...that is a LOT of great work! I can tell you spent a lot of time on all of it too. I wouldn't be able to keep at one image long enough to make images of that quality and complexity from scratch. suggestion(s): unless this is actually part of your style of art, you should work a little on perspective and blending shapes together into one image instead of a bunch of parts. (make the shapes interact realistically with each other. e.x. add shadows, fix perspective, etc)
  23. I had a much better version for my desktop, but for security reasons (I used my name), I didn't post it. I think what messed this one up is the thickness of the text. It made the distortion map look weird and I had to hand draw all of the stuff inside the holes. I'll see if I can get a better version done soon...
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