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Everything posted by pdnnoob

  1. yes PDN has this already. There is a "move selection" tool in your toolbar that looks like that.
  2. I would if I used it...I think if I did, the reflection would have actually been an accurate reflection though Nice spacescape, Falken. I'd make the rings on the planet less blurry, but otherwise, it looks awesome. A note on accuracy to all spacescape creators: unless you have an atmosphere, shadows are actually sharp...
  3. An entry I made for the "light" competition. Just wanted some feedback... http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/realistic-ishlighting.png all criticism on even the tiniest details is welcome. EDIT: thumbnailed
  4. interesting combination of abstract and realism, Rixx. I would ,however, say one thing. Try making the shiny swirly thingy blend better with the water where they meet. It's a little sharp there at the moment. If you added some haze/mist there, it'll look better (my opinion)
  5. wow...about every possible thing you could make from this comp has been done o.o no entry from me even with my long weekend XP PS long-weekend=short break on weekend. Schools have a weird way of reasoning. Apparently, they think calling this a break will make kids forget everything they learned...
  6. http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/realistic-ishlighting.png Got some sudden inspiration...and a long enough break from school to make this ^^
  7. I must say I totally disagree. You just got lucky and, from your perspective, you got lucky on the chess competition. There are quite a few people on this forum (including me) that would say you are good too. That floor texture you made was a work of art (and that's just one example...)Are you sure you didn't use bevel and curves on that text? It really really looks like you did, but if you say you didn't, meh. It rocks either way
  8. haha...you lucked out. I have absolutely no time to win this competition with finals coming up A short tutorial on the dragon head: 1. mess with brightness and contrast. dragon head to black and white. curves/other color modifiers to change color. mess with contrast, saturation, and brightness to make the two pieces similar in brightness and contrast. Color is just to make this easier. we perfect it later. 2. Adjust transparency of dragon head layer temporarily to make it easier to move to just where you want it. Erase background with eraser (change transparency to 8 in "more" box on color palette. seems more like soft brush that way. less hard edges) 3. add new layers. one for highlights and another for shadows. draw in shadows and highlights on corresponding layers and blur a bit. 4. clone small bits of wood onto a different layer and blend it with dragon head to give it a little bit of wood texture. 5. set all to black and white and adjust color of all. Done! you have a dragon-headed chess piece. I think what people really liked about your pic was the board...that was a pretty realistic texture you put on it ^^ EDIT: PS I like the chromy text you used in your new sig...wonder how you did it XP I can't believe you still use that tutorial...that was made...a year ago? two years?
  9. Gaahh!! darn you possum! your pleasant personality must be how you are winning all the time. jk. I'm going to win this time tho...just watch >.< (lol...watch me fail XD)
  10. thanks for all the complements! to tell the truth, I'm hoping we don't have to post the original textures...mine is really more simple than you think. The context is what makes it look nice. If we started a vote, I would totally vote for Possum's texture tho. Best wood ever
  11. my submission. reflections seem to be pretty popular XD
  12. That's what I was looking at...wouldn't that allow for reflections? Ahh well. I suppose the floor is a little more obvious than the lighting effects. Thanks for the reply!
  13. I made a "texture" for the texture contest, but I ended up adding a huge amount of lighting effects. Just wondering, but are we allowed to post the same pic in two competition? If no, which competition would you suggest putting the image into?
  14. my siggy! ^^ I would have said "my current sig" if it hadn't been for that annoying blank line I added the "Click!" after I chopped up the image, just in case you were wondering...
  15. Possum, I think if you posted the floor in that spider pic, anything I post will be definitely pulverized by its awesomeness XD let's see what I can scrape together..
  16. The king still had some moves left and black already lost his king...but the is a much better image than I could make from scratch Nice job L3ron! ^^
  17. http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx228/pdnnoob/chesspiece.png Stocks: http://www.thechesspiece.com/chesssets/albanfn600.jpg http://www.creatures-imaginaires.com/02_creatures/dragons/dragons3_70.jpg
  18. I personally haven't made any tutorials on text shadows, but I still find that offensive. There is no "wrong" in photo editing, just a quality scale from bad to best. This said, I'm placing your tutorial somewhere in the "ok" section. Let's go through your tutorial step by step. 1. Open Paint.net? Even a noob would know to do that. However, if you didn't add that, you would only have 4 steps and five sounds better than four in your title. 2. This is a legitimate step here. I wonder, though, why you used "cut" to delete the white. You don't need the white for anything later, so why not just hit "delete?" I do like how you added the "you now have a transparent background" in there. Recently, I've been seeing some complaints like "I want to delete the gosh darn checkered background, but PDN won't let me" 3. So now, we added our text. You say some things about choosing font, color, etc. Seeing as to how noob the people you seem to be talking to are, you may want to add a little "how to" on changing those options. 4. Why does everyone use outline object on their text? It only makes certain texts look nicer. I'd put an "optional" on this step. 5. So we went through 4 steps so that we could do this one step on some text...To tell the truth, I think you could have just left this with the title and you would have been just as informative as with the tutorial. You have 3 obvious steps and one optional and one that matches the title. Why bother working so hard then? Here's what I got...WITHOUT using anything but the basic PDN tools (layers, text, blur, brightness and contrast, and even the pencil tool). All this tutorial seems to be is an advertisement for the drop shadow plugin. As I said before, why bother?
  19. I might just do that...didn't really need the bottom link anyways XD Hey! I just noticed something. Sometimes, the sig just fixes itself o.0 I guess that's more proof that it's a bug that can't be fixed. I'll see what can be done about your suggestion. Thanks for all the help!
  20. No, you're doing it the right way. If you want, you could zoom in and try using the brush tool. It gives you more control over exactly where you want to draw, but is a little more difficult to use.
  21. If you resize your window so it's bigger, it can fit each line on one line and it isn't, as you say... "cattywhumpus" (I love that word XD ) The size change was supposed to fix the gaps (I checked a tutorial for this sig, believe it or not) but it didn't. Without it, the piece on top is disconnected. is that all you changed?
  22. I don't know about you guys, but I'm seeing a "delete my vote" button here. maybe some people voted, then deleted their votes hoping they could change their votes?
  23. pdnnoob


    hmm...maybe it doeswork with non-script text... <mumbles to self> Anyhow, nice work! I like the glow and the background. What did you do?
  24. oh well...thanks for all the help! I tried your attempt at fixing it, Chito, and it gave me an error. I think that means I wasn't missing the bracket then? It's probably a bug that can't be fixed, so I'll have to either live with it or make a new sig
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