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Everything posted by yy10

  1. maybe he just adapted his style. I don't think he copied it. It's a very pretty sig.
  2. Anyone like this arrow and bow I made? it's lame, I know. I whipped it up in 5 minutes, atleast it's 100% pdn, still opinions are appreciated.
  3. the first 2 tricks are very nice, the the last one...not too good. I would have preffered the oringal sig without it. Still, nice work!
  4. Nice stuff everyone! @ Possum- That's amazing! But the flag is a bit :AntiAliasingOff: . But still, it's completely awesome! Oh and, I'm thinking of making a tut, about my avatars. Is that a good idea? some examples ofmy avatars:
  5. awesome! especially the top one. Shows great depth.
  6. I don't think the helmet should have that big black outline.
  7. they're so cool! the yoko one is the best. But maybe you should get a new style, and not just stick to this one? Because seriously, all your sigs are the same now. I used to LOVE your work because all your sigs were different in style, but now...
  8. really? that's so cool! I'm sure you'll become famous all over the world soon!
  9. haha...told you to post it again. I still think it looks like something from a comic
  10. hey, nice sigs. you should add a border to the shy guy sig. but all the effects are way overused, IMO. oh and you shouldn't keep double, triple posting, it's quite annoying. people wouldn't like replying if you keep doing this.
  11. That's too bad. I always look forwarf to your work. keep the good images coming!
  12. cool sig. But it's still monotone no matter how I look at it. :?
  13. nice sig devilartist, but needs some more stuff. And the background is a bit weird. add some gradient maps!
  14. I would have sworn that Baby face was real if you hadn't told us. It looks awesome! But maybe you should make it glossy? That's your style
  15. Yeah, I know the colours are strange. I am a strange person...hehe. But if I made them normal colours, it will look so boring 3 new sigs, full of c4ds
  16. i think I can see it now, I put it in a paint.net and I sharpened it. Wow...it looks good
  17. I have been thinking of writing a tut. But what to write about? I have thoguht of writing a tut about my avatar. Like these ones Is that a good idea? someone reply please
  18. I can't see the flower, even with my glasses on...
  19. that's good. But I don't get why there's brown in the picture :?
  20. I don't think that the sig sizes are a problem. But a problem I think there's in your sig is that they're all too monotone.
  21. and a Flower sketch and a sig. the sig is nothing special. but the flower took me a while, please comment.
  22. nice picture of a fish! but too blurry. I used a flower stock, then traced it and colour
  23. nice one possum! the texture is rly nice! anyone like this flower sketch i did? also, a random table tennis racket. 90% PDN. used a stock for the shape
  24. nice. told you you should post it in your gallery
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