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Everything posted by Rubrica

  1. You're not meant to see it on the canvas. Make sure you have the Layers window open (Windows>Restore Defaults).
  2. Rubrica

    Kiosk Orbs!

    It's in the "Layers" menu.
  3. I'm goibng to sound like a complete n00b... How do you make those? I'm guessing it's just some circles and lines but I'd like to be sure. :oops:
  4. Can you please link me to the image you used for that? image?i used the circle tut thing for this of one of my sceenery taken photos Yes, but in that tut I believe you start of eith an original image....
  5. 1) Search first, there's a tutorial for this. 2)This should be in General Discussion & Questions.
  6. Can you please link me to the image you used for that?
  7. Not as far as I know, just start the selction at 0,0 and make it go to the co-ordinates of the size you would like, then move the selection.
  8. :shock: For someone with only five posts...Woah...Keep going, you've got bags of potential! :shock:
  9. Interesting, I'll have to download it and see what else it can do... Probably lots...
  10. I think that what happened is due to you naming the second one "laser2.png" instead of something like "anotherlaser.png"...
  11. FOr a first one, it's really good! If you still have the .pdn though, I would suggest using feather on the letters.
  12. Look in the tutorials section, there is a tut on making images look antique.
  13. Whre are you looking for the plugin? Remember to check EVERYWHERE.
  14. It's right under this thread... Nice flag ncfan! (I'm quick at commenting, aren't I! )
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