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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. The certificate looks fine to me. Please ensure Windows Update has been run, and is up-to-date.
  2. You can check for the digital signature on the downloaded file. %temp%\PdnSetupDownloader You're probably behind on Windows Updates though. Seems like your system doesn't recognize a root certificate used by Microsoft. Or maybe it was just an incomplete download.
  3. That's why it's not working; the plugin files (and dependencies) need to be placed within the Effects folder.
  4. This is not the same problem, so I've moved your post to a separate topic Do you think Sophos is interfering here? Please try to temporarily disable Sophos, and see if it makes a difference.
  5. I've just added the allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox attribute onto the iframe's sandbox. In essence, any linked page would inherit the sandbox restrictions of the iframe. Not anymore. This should fix issues where people were not able to reply to linked topics, or even download attachments.
  6. @Silverdenn probably came to this topic via the Plugin Index. The Plugin Index, until a few minutes ago, would cause these kind of issues on pages it linked to.
  7. That is not normal, and it sounds like you're having a performance issue on your system. Please post the diagnostic information found within paint.net. Settings -> Diagnostics -> Copy to clipboard.
  8. This will happen if you manually change the file extension in the Save dialog, without actually choosing the format from the dropdown.
  9. You wouldn't. That kinda of defeats the purpose. If you need images at the original resolution, you'll need to redraw your sprites, with the adjusted rotation in mind from the start.
  10. Did you ever hear about the HD transformations of Super Nintendo's Mode 7 graphics? https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/04/hd-emulation-mod-makes-mode-7-snes-games-look-like-new/ You'll probably need to do something similar. In essence, increase the resolution and then do the transformation afterwards.
  11. I have converted ShapeMaker to a GpuDrawingEffect. It should work the same as before. There are still a few tweaks I want to make to the plugin, but in the meantime, if anyone wants to test the changes thus far... ShapeMaker-Test.zip
  12. You can modify the selection with the Move Selection tool. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/MoveTools.html#5
  13. Sorry, but your issue is not related to the other posts, so I've moved this to a separate topic. You can't copy shapes like that. That has never been possible in Paint.NET. It always copies the image as pixels. Perhaps you used another program in the past.
  14. You can change the language in the paint.net Settings.
  15. Taking words out of context like that is very misleading.
  16. Yes, this looks like a bug in Shape Maker. I will try to fix it sometime this week.
  17. Please try using the offline installer. https://github.com/paintdotnet/release/releases/latest
  18. Also please post the diagnostic information found within paint.net. Settings -> Diagnostics -> Copy to clipboard.
  19. The host CLR processes for paint.net may be crashing. Right after the paint.net crashes, please open the Windows' Event Viewer and look in the Application log. (Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application) The items should be sorted by datetime, so the most recent item should be at the top of the list.
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