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  1. Hi, Is there a plugin that enables aligning an object against another object? @xod align object plugin can do it, but quite a tedious process. In Adobe Illustrator aligning object is quite easy. select the leader object select the follower objects click align right/left/center/up/down/mid button Also, is there a way to distribute few objects equally on the selected area or canvas? Thank you
  2. Hi @Pixey Not too sure about the steps. These are the steps you provided in the previous topic. Import your picture into PDN, which will be on its own layer. Make a new Layer and, using the Shapes Tool, draw a line where you want to crop it. With the magic wand, select inside the rounded rectangle, go to your picture layer, use Ctrl and I on your computer (to invert the selection) and then hit delete on your computer. Uncheck the back ground and rounded rectangle layers and Flatten the image and Save As and choose the format you want in the dropdown for either PNG or JPEG or whatever. So, step 1 and 2 of your new instruction is different than step 3 of the old instruction? And AA's Assistant to clean up? I tried and the image is still without the rounded edges. Sorry, I'm quite a newbie. Henry
  3. Hi, I am trying to crop a scanned picture with rounded corners. I followed 2 instructions, but the results are the same - the space beyond the corners are filled with white color when saved as JPG. If I save it as PNG, the image displayed as having rounded corners since the arrow region is transparent. So is it doable when saved as JPG? Which step am I missing? Thank you Henry and
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