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Everything posted by olav.k.m

  1. So what's the rules now? will the work be approved as long as you have used just a single polar inversion in it, or will the :PolarInversion: have to kind of be the "center" of the sig/the most important thing in the sig? if you know what I mean
  2. Looking awesome oma! As for Dobby I agree with TheSwimmer. :wink: I've decided (finally) to get a new avatar. Until I make a new one this (an edited pic of myself) will be my avatar: recoloured an old image after I read someone wanting letters dipped in gold paint or something. was mainly messing arround though so didn't reply as to how i made it.
  3. Seeing a lot of people converting PS tuts, I went looking for an interesting tut. Found this and kinda liked the effect: http://9tutorials.com/2007/12/02/feather-under-the-water-a-beautiful-effect.html Here's my paint.net remake: Didn't really follow the text-steps, but was rather looking at the pics showing what was done and some more polar playing :
  4. interesting project worldnewser. I like it messing with polar inversion+ think it resembles a bull's head . without horns though Edit: Edited a pic i took with my camera. Thought about using it as a sig background, but didn't finish it original pic (clickable):
  5. I actually thought so too when I made it thanks (V) || .\\ (O.o) (V) the crab is happy
  6. actually used polar inversion for this one. a bit aliased (V)(O.o)(V) <-- the crab
  7. A burning majesty symbol and a christmas card. The sky says "god jul" which is norwegian for merry christmas, and in the bottom left corner it says ""Til" and "Fra" which means To and From.
  8. Just wanted to let you know that I could kill to make an hedgehog like yours ! Thanks Must admit it was much luck that it turned out as it did, as I had no clue about what i was making in the beginning. I just kind of went with it. I like your pic too It made me smile Continue experimenting and making stuff. you're headed the right direction :wink:
  9. Amazing work My friend bjorn really diggs it. He's into 3d modeling and stuff.
  10. Nice oma , that must have taken quite some time. Made this with the previously posted newtons cradle thingy. Didn't have internet when I made it, so my background image options where limited Here's what inspired me:Dream Theater's Octavarium cover art (link)
  11. I want one of those for christmas! Pretty sweet design. Looking forward do seeing the finished results :wink: Something I worked on for the Representation Contest. Tried to add some reflections
  12. Time - an illusion? Didn't think of anything more "time-ish" that hadn't already been done
  13. thanks. The flag was the original idea, cause it looks like he is giving a speech or something. The trees were something I made just now.
  14. Took a picture of a friend of mine throwing away something... <-- clickable .. and edited it a bit. <-- clickable <-- clickable Could have done a better job cutting out, but it was in the middle of the night so didn't really feel like it
  15. Alpha curves fun edit: Thanks trek. That orb looks very special Good job experimenting and trying new stuff (?)
  16. Was in a chrome mood, but did something I haven't done before and distorted some metal stuff i made with twist:
  17. @Crazy Ninja: Thanks! Nice space pic, really like the sunshine effect . As for tips I think you should try to make the space ship thingy a bit more 3d. Don't know how though :? @pyjo: That is outstanding! :o The flower is fantastic, but i also love the mountains in the backgroud! @Kyselina: Looks cool :wink: edit: Made to images and faded them together and added som effects in WMM: <--clicks Know it's kinda lame At least the pictures I used are 100% Paint.NET
  18. Good job SuperJemmy! Looks very much alike! Maybe you could add som shine to the sides as it looks as though they're metal (at least I think so :? ). Theres a spider in the orb! :o
  19. That's just plain awesomeness bb00 abstract glass thing Inspired by wither A redo of a wave pic made by anypandy.
  20. If only... :wink: As for the next theme I dig the rock 'n roll suggestion (or maybe just music in general), but perhaps something christmassy would be more appropriate this time of year... Guess it's up to Helio now :wink:
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