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Everything posted by aguba

  1. Or, you can draw the circle with the circle tool, and do an up-to-down gradient on it with the gradient tool in transparency mode.
  2. This forum is reserved for Tutorial publishing ONLY
  3. This forum is reserved for plugin publishing ONLY
  4. Pretty nice, someone. I just posted my Glass Text tutorial. Tell me your opinion.
  5. Very nice, though pretty complicated IMO.
  6. My entry: Only image I didn't create were the "Google Search" and "I'm Feeling Lucky" buttons: Google.com
  7. @Paint Boy: That crow looks so familiar to something I know of...
  8. At first, I thought this let you put plugins into their own sub-menus, but what it really does is absolutely amazing.
  9. This is something I was just messing with : I need an opinion on how realistic the torn paper effect is.
  10. Thanks. If anyone's wondering, the reason for the odd resolution is because the wallpaper was made for Standard Definiton TVs(remember, Playstation 3 wallpaper).
  11. If you mean to make an image link in your sig, just do it like you do any link, but put image code in place of where the text would be. Example: [url=www.sitehere.com/][img=image url][/url]
  12. Oh, the inset part. Yes, that method would work, though I didn't do it that way. It was just a semi-transparent white-to-black linear gradient.
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