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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I didn't take screen shots of the orginal tail feathers in the work process but will be able to show you from my notes. will post shortly , I've just about revamped my tuts and will put them up again shortly. had the dickens of a time sorting out the pics in my photo bucket. eventually opened another account for the tut pics by themselves. have just about finished re doing all the links for the new tut album. there is probably an easier method of doing all this but I'll stick to how I know, I can go slowly and get it correct. . ciao OMA .
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'm not too far away guys. in fact I've been reading everything every day. I'm just working on my photobucket account. . too many images all in one album. so sorting itout.... its breaking all the links so found it easier to just take all the posts out of the forum. you will note I've started reloading with the latest ones as I make the move overs on photobucket. ciao OMA
  3. maybe this viewtopic.php?f=10&t=29063&p=250295&hilit=cursor+position#p250295
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'm not leaving the forum just taking a break. pulling my artwork for awhile. ciao OMA
  5. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'll be visiting to copy my pages to my computor before I delete all the pictures I've posted. you have my home e mail Helen just get ahold of me thru there if you have any questions about doing something with paint.net. ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    you will be seeing my gallery underconstruction. I will not be answering any PM's requests for help until further notice. if you want to look at something here I suggest you look this week or next as its likely going to all be removed by the end of the month or shortly into next month. OMA
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes mouse no tablet this end, can't afford one, and I think there will be no support for tablets next versions (if i read what Rick says correctly). so it line tool paintbrush circles and selections replace, add and subtract. . look at the foot that should tell you. bad!!!! I can hold a pencil and do it but mouse line tools kill me. My hand goes one way the mouse the opposite. LOL! Hang on a few mins I'll load up some of the line tool circle tools work to show how I drew th monkeys face. EDIT yes just line tools , circles and erasers. I added this full size at the beginning of the monkey wip shots pg 40 for anyone who wished to see the prelim drawing stage. sorry didn't take more screen shots . if you have any questions just ask. ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    actually I think it was because it was the first time I attempted to actually draw a face. No one else was doing anything like it at the time and I was developing a method, and of course the colors were incorrect for skin tones.
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Storm.Shadow. actually I used that method of making fur/hair way before ASH wrote that tut. but yes it is how I do it sometimes. . I've also been known to take a circle and cut a sliver off for one strand of hair. and paste and paste and paste. lately I've used the volutes by Madjik, in the past there have been polar inversions etc etc etc. you name it I've probably made hair/fur out it at one time or another. even I used sin waves one time, on my rock star picture. Its in my DA gallery. http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... t-69591366 that was the first real person picture I tried. I cut my teeth learning how to draw a nose using just blurs we didn't have even BoltBaits transparency plugin at that time so it was a real learning curve, figuring out the amount of blur to the width of a line, and how color effected the blur. . And did you get a look at the eyes on that rock star picture. I learned how to make nicer more expressive eyes since then. That info came in handy on doing the monkey, with his bore thru you expression. :wink: . ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Weslshblue thanks the eyes are real easy just remember to put in your white higlights. just like in pencil drawing on an eye you lift with the kneaded eraser odd side of the white hightlight. use a semi transparent half moon shape for that. @Helen oh my trusty girl. what would I do with out you to cheer, prod, influence me on to making better images. thanks @WhiteStar Magic thanks I must say that is a fine compliment coming from you, I found your art work phenom. 3d program..... ummm I'm still out on that. this one is more than adequate for my work, took me long enough to find my way around a computor I'm very loath to restart on any new programs. well I've updated some wip shots of the monkey (pg 40). you all can see I had to change a few things, :wink: the monkey is evolving. next he will be turning into Sasquatch.
  11. do you have dual monitor? perhaps message by Messa Sep 2 2008 pg 43 of the 3d shape plugin thread.
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks yellowman. but actually two sides are not totally mirrored. there are little bits and pieces individual to each half ( at the moment the majority is mirrored but not all) I can still go back in and mirror mouth but I like his goofy expression. like he is throwing you a wayward smooch. actually the symmetry will be even less when the finishing details go in at the end. Where the wild man comes out in this monkey. He is no tame circus performer.
  13. ? why would alpha masking not be allowed in newbies area. if it is explained correctly and fully it should be more than acceptable as far as I can see. who is to decided what a new person is capable of or not capable of doing? in fact a challenge to a new person is better than 100 simple tuts. OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks you Helen they eyes are just so expressive in monkeys. I've still a ways to go on the final shading of the face but now will move to the body and finish that area off after the body. @Minoeman better late than never for visiting my gallery. now that you've found your way here come by more often. always something on the go. @Welshblue thanks this will be a difficult one for me to keep realistic. I don't want it to end up being too cartoonish. So I'll be making the hair more longer and shaggier as the chimps are in the wild. thanks all for looking. I managed to get the chores done earlier than expected this afternoon so was able to do a little more. I've added more work shots on pg 40 for everyone to critique. just kidding .....I only want to hear nice things. ciao OMA
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @stormshadow you are just too cute. you are correct no monkey business for me when it comes to drawing. I joined ages ago to be able to convert genealogical papers over and remove noise from scanned copies of old documents from the early 1800's. I realized early on that I could also use this program to learn to draw. so you are correct no monkey business here its straight learn as I go. @carazon thanks Its coming along nicely. I enjoy the process of blank screen to finished project. I find it extemely satisfying and relaxing. Steady and slow, carefully and cautious. That's me. kind of sounds like a turtle not a monkey. @janettsue why thank you ever so much. I really enjoyed that humming bird picture. It was a real learning process for me and a chance to test to the limit a new plugin. @Goonfella thank ever so much. it is just a wip and I never know if the finished will be as good as I go for. but this little guy looks like he might be a keeper. the idea came from one of my drawing books by Jack Hamm. I was looking for something simple that I could test a texture out on. (skin) thanks all for looking I'll most likely not add any more wip shots until late tomorrow. I've plans for this afternoon and evening so won't we working/playing! with paint.net anymore today see screen shots of the monkey in progress bottom of pg 40
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @cazaron and yellowman thanks for the comments. I'm still waiting for printers to come back to me. hopefully he can get a decent picture made from my miserable small resolution work. teach me not to buy a mega ram computor. NEW WORK IN PROGRESS Answer to question if I used tablet or line tools. I don't own a tablet so its straight line tools and circles eraser and one plug in just because I'm lazy and want it completely symetrical at this stage. I draw a cross on the bottom white layer little towards top of page. eyes position draw big circle on a transparent layer and then the smaller circle next transparent layer. that way I can move them around . I draw every individual line on a new trasparent layer. just found I have less to go back and erase that way. the second picture (top right you can see the line tool as I work in that section around the eyes ...I've only partially finished the line there) I've a larger version of that picture if anyone needs to see it. next picture shows that little v of the nose I drew in using line. and then I used the eraser to get rid of portions of the circles that overlapped. the next picture I drew in hair direction just to get a feel for how he would look and the next picture shows the colorization I was thinking about. that would conclude the planning stage. so now we see I've changed up a few things. I re thought the angle of the back/hind legs. so called for some modifications to arm postion. well that of course altered the hair etc etc etc. why oh why can not these things be easy do you like the hands that took some thinking. darn piddly size screen note the ears are better size now. Not Dumbo grande. well here he is done. I like most of this one. but not the legs and feet. so now I know that's the area I need to practice more. next picture I'll likely do better. and of course he has a wonky stance. that is just plain bad perspective, and I know better, just having trouble getting that from the brain to the screen. not going to do more on this one. I'll try next picture to do better.
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    this is the one that's at the printers you can see why I don't want lumography. it would just not work with the asian style outer frame. it will be printed on a black edge canvas picture is to the front the canvas wraps around the edges which are 1 1/2 deep no lumography on this one maybe next image I draw I'll work it in. ciao
  18. @Zac 117 that is very well done. @Jesmic very nice blade you have there. I think you are addicted as welll good job guys. lets see now if you can translate some of the things you learned here in to a very original item .....Jesmic not a sword, knive, blade etc. ciao thanks for doing my tut.
  19. stunning I am so happy to see someone actually put their work to practical useage. very much an inspiration to all those sig makers to get on the ball, spend more than 10 mins on an image and work beyond a little 150 x 500 square. I'm not up on games for computor, I think I'm so far past that age wise, but I truly would love to work on something like this. exceptional work!! ciao OMA
  20. you are definitely on a roll today. a wee bit more rounding off and those will look like happiness pills. you are just about ready to give ASH a run for his money on glass. Are you sure you are not a bot? ciao OMA
  21. well hello miss Betsy. what a cheerful little gal she is. lovely work Helen, may the sun shine on your day! today and everyday! ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    agree sepia is only time I generally use even vingette . this digital is actually at the printers now, with a sudo double framing. to make the hummer picture above look raised above a dark green matt I added black shading around origianl picture and a green matt. I will show you a photograph of it hanging on my wall when its framed. I only wish now I'd done it higher resolution so it could have been made larger. but it will be a very pretty little filler picture for my wall. and I have the perfect spot to hang it. I'll use my digital camera and show you all it hanging in a nice frame on my bedroom wall asap. . so will edit this post and you can all looky look possibly as early as tomorrow. . ciao OMA
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    well since I don't like dark pictures , lomography is not what I want this art piece to have done to it. I worked hard on the background same as the bird and the flowers , why would I want to hide them in deep shadows? sorry but when I see pictures with loads of dark I think ohhh they got lazy about finishing that one and wonder what flaws they are trying to hide behind the dark. I'm very optimistic person and see the light side of things, that is in my art. so sorry no lomography no dark picture. that is definetly not me and not what I wish to convey in my work. ciao OMA
  24. agree with Helen I've tried twice to look at this and it just hangs my computor up because of the length of time it takes to download. if the little thumb is an indication of what you've done I'd love to view af few stills. ciao OMA
  25. oma

    Oma's gallery

    explain this to me I know not what lomography does. do we have this in paint.net. I don't recall a plugin. what have I missed :shock: ciao Oma now off in search of what I can find on subject! unless of course someone know simple method to teach me. EDIT ::: so I've found lumography plugin by bolt bait. either I have used incorrectly or its not an effect I like at all. I spent far too much time on this to hide it in the dark. left with lumography no like this if I was to change at all I would go sepia right picture. but as I say I think the colors are the focus on this one. ciao OMa
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