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Everything posted by oma

  1. welcome back to the fold Zookey, like your crystal ribbons pice
  2. @salu I've just been reviewing the last 10 pages of the pictorium, and see some fine submissions by you , just wanted you to know you have a great style. :wink:
  3. if you do a search of google you can get some nice text fonts to download that look like smoke.
  4. but I know you are up to doing it. your work has always been good but I see some real moves forward lately in the complexity of what you are attempting.
  5. madjik made this mini tut maybe that can help a bit in what you wish to do. page 514 of pictorium 1. Create a square image large enough to keep a good quality of the text. (ex: 800x800) 2. Write your text centered and from size to size of the image with a little left/right margin. ...The text must be at 1/4 of the height from the top. ...(ex: for 800x800 image, the text must be around y=200 and the size you want but 100px maximum) 3. Press Ctrl+G to rotate the image. 4. Effect/Render/Shape3D, sphere: all default except: ...Texture map: full sphere map (or half sphere map repeat) ...Scaling: 1.50 (or adjust as you need) ...X axis rotation: 90° ...Light: uncheck
  6. I was thinking something along this lines for doorway. this is hexgrid magic wand squares hold control down and continue until you get all selected you wish to fill then fill with patern do next batch of grids with a gradiant then transparent adjustment down half way towards 0 and then a drop shadow. that way leaves you clear to put flames or whatever behind. grill. leave a band of plain hex squares and that way the shadows show up better.
  7. nice janettsue I was going to comment on your previous piece but you know housework and dinner cooking I'm sure. slipped my mind completely. It made childrens book illustration work come to mind. I think you would have a real talent for that, you pictures are just so dreamy looking. Just the thing for childrens books. and there was that picture you did of theoriental woman last week, was that one of your tablet pictures, because that was amazing. great skin tones .
  8. you need to put some sort of shadow there for the door as its looking flat. I like the grill work is that a font or are you using the fill patterns instead of the solid paint colors.
  9. I use the lightrays tool on a separate layer. set both colors to black then make light rays top slider at 5 and the size around 60-70 then just drag the pixels in or out to get correct size I need for the application. as myrdian says magic wand the polygon and proceed as he states.
  10. @vlad what direction are you heading with those gates of h...ll? are you going for more depth? receeding lines etc. ?
  11. thanks vlad you know me shiny's my thing. and yes darkshock they are almost all 100% paint.net there are a couple I drew pencil the dark archway and I think I have the hand of god thing there. and also two or maybe 3 fractals but all the rest are 100% PDN made.
  12. @darkshock thanks you should take a trip over to my deviant art link see the other pictures if you liked these there should be a few on there that would appeal to you. follow the link under my sig.. @void that orb is coming along nicely. couple of things I found when doing the highlight circle, i tend to do as semi transparent gradiant, and make it a bit more oval shaped. try that for another variation OMA
  13. Ok Ash less talk more pictures coming up. sorry everyone but one is a polar inversion is that groans I hear from the multitude? suffer in silence boys and gals. the first one I posted on the tut by Madjik viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21007 but repost here
  14. @mrap where are you? how's that hand and globe picture working out for you . that was some ambitious project you had going there, a real difficult one to tackle but you were coming along great guns then you dropped out of site. drop us a quick line or two and let us know how that project is coming along.
  15. @distressed that is an awesome picture manipulation. looks like those old postcards. and the original picture was beautiful. great work. look forward to seeing more of your creations in the pictorium.
  16. thanks verndewd I see a few odd areas of color in it but it is getting closer to what i want in the way of stone carving. now just hope OLAV doesn't call me the stone maiden or something like that. that last one you did is amazing. you've got the glass look down to a "T" now. actually I was out at the mall yesterday shopping and they had a necklace almost exactly like this in the shops. It had a large hole thru the middle and was strung on two rawhide straps. the amazing amount of $120.00 so If you could just wrap this one up for me and mail it I'll put you on the nice side of the naughty and nice Christmas list. ciao
  17. thanks Myrdin I'm certainly hoping for some outside watchers other than PDN users. and anyone who looks at my gallery I always point out the wonderful program RicK and the plug in makers have provided for us all free of charge. since I'm not to great at tut writing , and can not contribute any new code for effects , i have to use my art work as a means of repaying for the use of the program. If some benifit comes of it to Rick I'd be really pleased.
  18. my art work got mentioned on da maybe some extra traffic will come thru my deviant art page that I can direct over to this great program. The guy has like a kazillion page views. http://thaumadzo.deviantart.com/journal ... 4/#journal
  19. yes that's how I do mine but thought I'd check maybe I'd missed something.
  20. this is just your grid semi glassy right click and save as .png extension and you can try over your image see if that's what you need. works best on images with multiple colors try to stay away from black backgrounds as your original grid didn't have enough gradiants. if you want just a slight tint of a blue will give a bit more glass look.
  21. its always worked that way Ash. do it in about 3 or 4 short stages if possible, for least amount of distortion of original pictures. have you by any chance figured a way to make the moves curved? that's really what I need most of all. only straight lines is a real drawback. .
  22. are you sure he wants solid squares vern or does he want just the grid in glass didn't go too shinny as there wasn't enough gradiats but I can play around a bit more just put in the background. itto show the grid.
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