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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. We are basically making/ skinning an operating system, with 4 pics (Boot up, Login, etc.) look on top for all 4 It is already October...
  2. I hope its Os.. Anyway will i be disqualified if if i start now?
  3. Is it a plugin? Effect... or what... add it to plugins if it is please
  4. Yes... Its very unique.... (did i spell that right?)
  5. err your evill lol You changed the effect not show thingy... Now i cant mess with those effects
  6. Wow this terragen program is amazing here is mine Comments?
  7. Very nice attempt! Nyways here is a fractal made with Chaoscape then edited with PDN
  8. The same thing with me, wierd, anyway it does modify the pic at least if its in redscale...
  9. Some logos for my friend and I's site S Atlantis ( my friend is sleek on this website)
  10. but its not on my effects menu... only on script lab . can u pm me da info about the easter egg
  11. Nope! Keep looking. Then where did that plugin come from... Then explain this
  12. Nope! Keep looking. Then where did that plugin come from...
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