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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Sorry, but we get all levels of users around here. We never know what someone's skill level with Paint.NET is. So, I try to break things down to their most basic elements. It looks to me that Adobe Acrobat is loading the PNG the same way it would load a JPG--that is, it is ignoring the transparency of the native PNG format and trying to make white pixels transparent. I don't have Acrobat, so I would suggest seeing if there is an import setting in Acrobat that controls this. Something like "key color: white" or something like that. One way to test this would be to create a black signature on a white background and save it in PNG format, then see if that works in Acrobat. When saving a PNG file, I believe Paint.NET converts all transparent pixels to transparent black which tells me that Acrobat is ignoring the transparency information in the PNG file and trying to read the color white as transparency.
  2. If you have my plugin pack installed, you can do it this way: Select the area where you want to draw your gradient. Ctrl+C to copy that area to the clipboard Draw your gradient not worrying about alpha. Effects > Object > Paste Alpha (options: Replace current alpha with alpha on clipboard) Hope this helps!
  3. Two things to consider when saving: and after pressing Enter:
  4. If the background around the hair is a solid color, you can try Hue / Saturation+ (it is located in my plugin pack).
  5. After having success with the Creative Text Pro plugin, I decided to give another of my plugins the "Pro" treatment... Object Shadow Pro v1.0 My goal in writing this plugin is to make this your "go to" plugin when it comes to making shadows no matter what kind of shadow you want. It can make 3 different kinds of shadows: your typical "drop shadow", a long modern shadow, and a 3D shadow. (See the screenshots for examples.) After using the Creative Text Pro plugin, use this plugin to add shadows to the lettering. This will really make it stand out! Remember, an "object" is a group of pixels on a layer that is completely surrounded by transparent pixels (or the edge(s) of the canvas). These are useful when doing "cutouts" or with text on a new, blank layer. If this plugin doesn't look like it is doing anything, you probably forgot to put your object on a blank canvas--white is NOT blank! Based on the check boxes you have selected, some controls will become unavailable. This is because they do not apply to the selected shadow type. Download NOTE: This requires Paint.NET v4.2.11 and beyond. This is now part of my plugin pack, you can download it there: Go There! Donate Once installed, look for it in your Effects > Object > Object Shadow Pro menu. Source Code Enjoy.
  6. CodeLab 5.3 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.2.10+! Small (but important) update today... Changes: ▪ Fix File New Code Generation for Paint.NET v4.2.11 (BoltBait) ▪ Added Layer Rotate/Zoom to File New Templates Effects (BoltBait) ▪ Changed: The hotkey for the Debug Output pane is now Ctrl+Alt+O. Duplicate Line(s) is now performed when Ctrl+D is pressed. (toe_head2001) ▪ Changed: Editor tooltips will now hide when clicking or typing. This mimics behavior of Visual Studio. (toe_head2001) ▪ Improved editor support for Shapes. Better error messages. Tooltips and F12 Lookup are now supported on Tags and Attributes. (toe_head2001) ▪ Various small bug fixes to the Auto Complete box. (toe_head2001) ▪ Fixed reference to System.Core assembly for Paint.NET v4.2.11 (toe_head2001) Grab the CodeLab DLL here: https://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/
  7. I found a bug in this build of Paint.NET: 1. Run Paint.NET 2. Exit Paint.NET 3. Run Task Manager Notice Paint.NET is still running.
  8. Try pressing F1 from inside of Paint.NET to read the documentation. For example: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Paintbrush.html
  9. Did you try: paintdotnet:"D:/!Geo/Test Me Spaces/Galaxy_ValdayDrift.pdn"
  10. Not possible, sorry. In the future, keep everything on their own layers--that way, if you don't want one item, just delete that layer.
  11. First, be sure you're inserting your new image into a new layer--that's critical. Second, after inserting your image, select the part you want to keep, press Ctrl+I to invert your selection, and press the Delete key.
  12. If you right-click on a graphic file and choose "Properties" from the menu, does the "General" properties tab have the "Read-only" checkbox checked? If so... if you uncheck that box and click the OK button, can you edit and save the file normally now?
  13. I'm curious what folder your files are in... Is it your One Drive folder or other cloud folder? Do you get the same error message when editing graphic files located on your desktop?
  14. You need to contact Microsoft to do that. We can't help you here.
  15. When you say it "crashes", what error message do you get? Show us the failure. Or, if that's too much trouble... repair your .NET framework, reboot, try the install again.
  16. Even though the form says you can use your email address to login, you can't. Use your username and everything should work fine.
  17. Yes, you have the rectangle shape selected. You need to select the rounded rectangle shape.
  18. Answered here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/2940-popular-feature-requests/ Closed.
  19. Which version of Firefox are you using? Which version of Paint.NET are you using?
  20. I don't think this is an issue with Paint.NET. I suspect some other software is causing this. Have you installed any new software lately? Maybe a keyboard re-mapper or accelerator? Can you show us a screenshot of what this looks like when it happens?
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