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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. I've noticed that the forum becomes busier during the summer months.
  2. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/112204-ootf-–-past-objects/
  3. Object of the Fortnight #14 – Can of Soda - The Archives - paint.net Forum (getpaint.net)
  4. Idea: best dot-to-dot puzzle https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/124621-graph-paper/#comment-622632
  5. What effects are you trying to run and for what purpose? If you're trying to make a background, for example, why not simply make one on it's own background layer? You wouldn't need to make it for each frame... just reuse it.
  6. Make your selection and press Ctrl+X Press Ctrl+Shift+V Move your selection around and when it's where you want it, press Ctrl+M
  7. Version 2.1! Just a little clean up of the UI... Added a few more controls to change colors and other options. My son really finds this helpful in his Geometry class. Often, problems will be something like, "You have a triangle with points A(-5,0) B(2,6) and C(6,-2)..." etc. This gives him a quick way to create his drawing for working the problem. This is why I wrote this plugin. Another use for this plugin is to make simple dot-to-dot puzzles for children. Here's one I made: Anyway, NOW I'm done tinkering with this! BBGraphPaper.zip Enjoy.
  8. For me, Paint.NET opens on the monitor where it is launched from. I have it pinned to my task bar and my task bar is visible on all screens. I run 2 monitors at home and 3 at work--works the same both places. Win 11. This is actually one of my favorite features of Paint.NET. I wish all programs would do this.
  9. It's pretty easy to use layers to handle this transparency issue for you. Just press Ctrl+Shift+V instead of Ctrl+V. Drag your selection around until you get it placed where you want. Press Ctrl+M to merge your layer down. You should now have your single layer with the new selection where you want it and transparent pixels will be ignored.
  10. CodeLab v6.12 Released This is only for Paint.NET 5.0.12+! Small update today... Changes: ▪ CodeLab now detects if a project type changes (only for C# project types) and will automatically adjust during build. @toe_head2001 ▪ Some bug fixes and small enhancements @toe_head2001 / @BoltBait Grab the CodeLab DLL here: https://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ Screenshots: There is now a new menu item: File > New > From Clipboard If you have a CodeLab script on your clipboard, this is a quick, efficient way to get that into CodeLab. When you paste a script into CodeLab, it will detect the type of C# script it is and automatically adjust for you.
  11. Version 2.0! By turning off "Draw lines connecting points", changing the "Label points" to numeric, I believe someone could use this to create dot-to-dot puzzles for kids. Leave the grid "on" while creating your dot-to-dot, then turn it off for the final render. If you notice in the upper left corner, I did add the Perimeter or Distance. I also found an algorithm for calculating Area... it can get confused if the shape's lines cross, but otherwise works pretty well. According to the site: Screenshots: Download: <Snip!> Download v2.1 in a post below... Source Code: Plans: I'm pretty much done tinkering with this. I probably won't add it into my plugin pack as it's pretty specialized. But, you can always download it here. Enjoy!
  12. Photoshop File support is via a filetype plugin. It would be best if you were to post on this thread, so the author of the plugin can help you debug this: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18128-photoshop-psd-file-plugin-newest-version-250/ Closed.
  13. Fixed a label bug in the script if there is a point right on the calculated center of the shape or if there was just a single point.
  14. Before pasting the script into CodeLab, do this: Run CodeLab. File > New > GPU Drawing Effect: Only THEN should you select all and paste into the CodeLab editor. OR You could use your favorite text editor (Notepad++) to save the source code to a file BBGraphPaper.cs and then run CodeLab and open it from there. HISTORY: Way back in the day, there used to only be one type of CodeLab script. So, pasting a script into the editor just worked. Now, there are 4+ different types of CodeLab scripts (Classic, Bitmap, GPU Image, and GPU Drawing--not to mention FileTypes and Shapes). In order to compile your script, CodeLab needs to know which type of script it is. This detection happens when you open a new window (through File > New > ...) or when you open a file from disk. Once determined, the effect type can't be changed. In the future, CodeLab may get better at this, but for now, that's just the way it works. EDIT: CodeLab v6.12 no longer has this problem. It will detect what type of script you're trying to compile and adjust itself accordingly.
  15. Published v1.1 with ability to label points. Basically, it calculates the center of each shape, follows a ray from the center of the object through a specific vertex to slightly beyond it and draws the label letter there. So, for regular shapes, the labels will always be outside the shape. For irregular shapes, ymmv.
  16. @Ego Eram Reputo the critical line is here: Make sure you save this script to a file that ends in .cs and open it from there. Make sure the file name does not have a space in it. I call mine BBGraphPaper.cs
  17. I know @toe_head2001 has an excellent graph paper plugin, however, it doesn't include labels and shape drawing. So, I rolled my own. I won't publish this as his is better than mine. But, I thought someone might find it interesting as it is GPU accelerated. CodeLab source for BBGraphPaper.cs : I use this when helping my kids with their geometry homework. Since the script is just for my own use, it doesn't have a lot of error checking. And, I haven't bothered to go back and clean it up. // you've been warned! Each shape gets a different color. The first shape gets color index 2, red. Then, each shape after that gets the next color from the default color palette. EDIT: Download v2.1 below!
  18. Here are the retired text plugins: RetiredTextPlugins.zip Enjoy. Contents: BBOutlinedGradientText.dll CreativeTextPro.dll Both of these plugins have been removed from my plugin pack and replaced with Text Fun Factory.
  19. Paint.NET does not come with any fonts. It simply works with the fonts that are already installed on your system. If you' re looking for fonts, try https://www.dafont.com/ and look around for what you need.
  20. Thanks, everyone for your votes! Honestly, I'm just happy to see what this plugin can do. ❤️
  21. You must save your image as PNG to support transparency. During the save process, be sure to set the bit depth to "Auto-detect": This will be sure to support transparency within the PNG format.
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