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  1. One example is using dents. Dents is a very nice effect, the distortion can have a wide range of appearances from fire to smoke to electricity. What I'm exploring is the ability to make an animated sprite for a video game effect. If you start with a circle and apply dents you can, using the sliders, make a pretty nice looking animated looking effect. But of course this isn't actually applying anything, and if you do apply something and try and reapply the "next stage" of the effect, the seed is different and there's no coherence.
  2. For animation purposes it would be useful to be able to manually manipulate the random seed used for effects. I found an old thread where someone else wanted this function for this exact purpose. A solution there suggests there are only 255 possible random seeds, but I don't believe this is the case anymore, I tested some things out trying to replicate an effect and it never matched as I passed over 255. Is this achievable in any way these days? Can I use codelab, accessing some source files for some effects and modify their implementation of the random seed? The old thread:
  3. So I know this is a very old topic but I've encountered the same desire for the same reason as this post. It would be nice to have some control over the reseed for animation purposes. I'm necroing here because the solution presented above that there are only 255 possible seeds does not seem to be the case anymore. I applied an effect, set it on another layer under a copy of the original, then got the editor open for the effect again and mashed reseed, keeping count on a calculator. The effect never matched as I passed over 255 reseeds. I tried a few methods a few times. Is there any potential for this extremely niche function to be accomplished? Can codelab be used at all?
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