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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. If you have two layers next to each other in a multilayer document, you can safely merge them if the bottom layer (of the two) is set to a normal blending mode. EDIT: Sorry, that's not true. Ignore that.
  2. Click that "Show details" button, copy the error message to the clipboard, then paste it here in a message.
  3. In paint.net, click the gear icon in the upper right corner. Then, click the Tools tab.
  4. When I look at 1.pdn or 2.pdn with layers and I use the menu "Image > Flatten" the resulting image does not change for me... other than the obvious going from multiple layers to one. I think you may be trying to flatten the image by merging 2 layers at a time until you've flattened the image. This will never work. To retain the same look, you must use "Image > Flatten". Looking at 1merged.pdn and 2merged.pdn I see that you didn't actually merge all layers. This is the problem. Unless you use "Image > Flatten" you won't be merging all layers and the resulting image won't be the same.
  5. Did you try holding down the Ctrl key while using the mouse scroll wheel?
  6. Rick says that a Windows Store version is a "possibility", not a "for sure" thing. According to the rules of the Windows App Store: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/dn764944.aspx There are some things in paint.net that would have to change: At a minimum, he would have to remove the Donate button and the Automatic Update functionality. Reading through the requirements, I can't quite tell if it would allow plugins that don't also come from the Windows App Store. And, he might have to have the Backspace key close the app...? Not sure if it is allowed to launch a browser to external content (the help file). Some of the requirements are weird.
  7. Usually, if icons in Windows get confused (not bad associations) it is because the Windows icon cache file is out of date. This can usually be fixed by going to the directory with the icon in it and right-clicking in the blank space and choosing "Refresh" from the menu. For example, if you have confused icons on your desktop, right-click on the desktop and choose "Refresh". That should sort out your icons.
  8. CodeLab 2.17 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.0.6+! Big update today... Changes: ▪ Alignment fixes for the IntelliBox when the document is at different zoom levels. (toe_head2001) ▪ Replaced the icons in the IntelliBox with ones that are more akin to the icons in recent versions of VS. (toe_head2001) ▪ Added toggles for the LineNumber margin and the CodeFolding margin (see View menu). (toe_head2001) ▪ Added a tooltip the IntelliBox that show info about the selected item (name, return type, member type). (toe_head2001) ▪ Made the red underline smarter about errors at the EOL. e.g. when missing a semi-colon. The underline will no longer spill into the next line, it will simply underline the last character of the line. (toe_head2001) ▪ Rewrote the "Save to DLL" screen: - No more UBB editor, we now have a WYSIWYG editor for help content. (BoltBait) - Clear levels of help content: None, URL, Plain Text, and Rich Text. (BoltBait) - Rich Text means your help files can contain pictures, text formatting, etc. (BoltBait) - RTF files are compressed when added to your effect DLL to save space. (BoltBait) ▪ In the main code editor: - Added a toolbar. (BoltBait) - You can show/hide a tool bar (see View menu). (BoltBait) - You can show/hide the errors list (see View menu). (toe_head2001) - Hover over red underlines in your code to see the error message. (toe_head2001) - Changed Comment Selection key from Ctrl+E to Ctrl+K. (BoltBait) - Added a few Ctrl keys: Toolbar (Ctrl+T), Errors List (Ctrl+E), Large Font (Ctrl+L), Word Wrap (Ctrl+W) (toe_head2001 and BoltBait) ▪ Code cleanup. (toe_head2001 and BoltBait) Grab the CodeLab DLL here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ If you have an old help file (saved in .txt format) that includes UBB codes, you can load it by clicking the Rich Text Open button and choosing TXT format from the drop-down list. It will load the help file into the rich text control and process all the UBB codes during the load process. Remember, if you store related files in the same directory, this build screen will automatically load them for you. So, in the same directory as MyEffect.cs, keep your MyEffect.png (16x16 icon file), MyEffect.txt (UBB formatted help file) or MyEffect.rtf (rich text formatted help file created with WordPad), and MyEffect.sample.png (200x150 sample image for Plugin Browser).
  9. This is correct. These are standard, not something Rick just made up. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.color.green(v=vs.110).aspx You are looking for Lime: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa358802(v=vs.85).aspx
  10. As toe_head2001 recommends, choose a high contrast theme in Windows: gives...
  11. I designed these to return the information based on how paint.net 4.0 shows the tooltip when you hover over a plugin entry in the Effects menu instead of the proper definitions.
  12. Make sure you save in a format that supports transparent areas: PNG format. Then, on the "Save configuration" screen, choose "Auto-detect".
  13. Well, your requirements looked pretty simple and I thought it would do the trick for you. If you want more options, after installing my plugin pack (http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32048-v) try this way: - Add a new layer - Type your text on this layer - Add the outline by using the Effects > Object > Outline plugin Eli is about to post an example of what this will look like...
  14. This is a bug in paint.net and Rick is aware of it (there is already a bug filed in his private bug tracker). It will be fixed in the next release of paint.net... and, no, I don't know when that release will be. Just keep checking back here. It shouldn't be too long.
  15. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/9349-plugin-problems-read-this/
  16. As explained here: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html The keyboard command for switching to the next tab is Ctrl-Tab. Switching to the previous tab is Ctrl-Shift-Tab.
  17. Try this plugin: Please read the rules for this forum: ...specifically rule #4. Closed.
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