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Rick Brewster

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  1. Rick Brewster's post in Paint.net crash (this is the second time this has ever happened in my life, the first one was last week) was marked as the answer   
    It's nothing you did, it's just a bug that I'll be releasing an update for soon
  2. Rick Brewster's post in Add something that allows to draw an angled line was marked as the answer   
    I've been thinking of adding this soon, possibly (hopefully!) in 5.0.9.
  3. Rick Brewster's post in Registration Grammatical error was marked as the answer   
    Aha, now I see it
  4. Rick Brewster's post in Official documentation was marked as the answer   
    BTW this now exists: https://paintdotnet.github.io/apidocs/
    It's obviously a work in progress, but it at least includes the API reference for namespaces, classes, structs, methods, and the like.
  5. Rick Brewster's post in Can I deactivate this thing...? was marked as the answer   
    Your pictures don't match up with what you're saying ... like in this one you say right click but the picture indicates left click. So in this case it's doing exactly what it's supposed to. I can't really follow along because every picture indicates left click, but the text is saying either left or right click.
    Left click = Set active color
    Right click = Set the other color
    You can press X to swap the two colors, which is the same as clicking on the arrow between the two colors (its tooltip tells you about X).
    You can also press C to switch which color is active. This isn't described in a tooltip, but it is in the documentation. This might be something that will help you out.
    The active color should only ever change if you click to change the active color. So another way to make sure this doesn't happen is just don't click to change the active color.
  6. Rick Brewster's post in App not opening - Windows SDK missing in portable version - Fixed by manually installing the missing DLL was marked as the answer   
    Yup that's the plan. Hoping for a 5.0.10 release a little after the next .NET 7 servicing release which is (usually) on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
    I still don't understand why this is happening, but ... oh well
  7. Rick Brewster's post in libraries not updating alongside app was marked as the answer   
    Paint.NET does not update those files because they should not be there in the first place.
    You should never ever have PaintDotNet.*.dll's in your effects or other plugin directories. It can really break things, as you're seeing. You should just delete them.
  8. Rick Brewster's post in How do I save a bunch of images when paint.net is frozen was marked as the answer   
    It's frozen. You can't do anything about it. You need to save more often.
  9. Rick Brewster's post in Paint.NET v4.0.10 is slower than v4.0.9 was marked as the answer   
    Okay, confirmed and fixed for 4.0.11
    I made an image of the same dimensions, 18600x9300 pixels, 12 layers. Then I did a Mandelbrot fractal at the default quality level of 2:
    4.0.9: 1m 16s
    4.0.10: 2m 4s
    4.0.11, using 1 thread per physical core (same as 4.0.10): 2m 4s
    4.0.11, using 1 thread per logical core (same as 4.0.9): 1m 11s
  10. Rick Brewster's post in Why was text-using-right-click disabled? was marked as the answer   
    Also, to make this more convenient, you can press X to swap the primary and secondary colors. You don't have to click in the Colors window, in other words. (its tooltip shows the shortcut key, btw)
  11. Rick Brewster's post in Screen Tearing when Resizing was marked as the answer   
    This has nothing to do with VSync or GSync. The canvas is a tile-based renderer, where each tile can be rendered on a different CPU/thread. As each tile completes, it is drawn to the screen. Not all tiles will complete within 1 refresh of the monitor. This is a tradeoff between latency and throughput -- it permits the UI to be very responsive, but the cost is "tearing" in some cases.
    The only path to eliminating tearing is working with smaller images, or get a faster CPU with more cores. Even then, it cannot eliminate it entirely. It's not really something you need to worry about.
  12. Rick Brewster's post in Questions about the list of point sizes in the Text tool's Font Size dropdown was marked as the answer   
    It's a fixed list, but it's not necessarily set in stone. It may or may not change in the future.
  13. Rick Brewster's post in Any way to disable the 5.0.4 'centering' feature that happens when you press down Ctrl whilst using the Line/Curve tool? was marked as the answer   
    Install the 5.0.9 update, it fixes that.
  14. Rick Brewster's post in Better Portable Graphics (BPG) support please. was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like it's basically just HEIC / HEIF / HEVC. You can use that already in Paint.NET.
    But, I would just use AV1 / AVIF. It's newer and not encumbered by patents. There's no way I could include BPG support in the main app because of the patents (HEVC), and therefore the per-user royalties that it would cost. Similarly, I can't include HEIC write support out-of-box -- you either have to buy the codec on the Microsoft Store, or install @null54's Heic FileType Plus plugin.
  15. Rick Brewster's post in Hue math formula (it matches Microsoft's, but not others') what is it? was marked as the answer   
    public readonly Int32HsvColor ToHsv() { // In this function, R, G, and B values must be scaled // to be between 0 and 1. // Int32HsvColor.Hue will be a value between 0 and 360, and // Int32HsvColor.Saturation and value are between 0 and 1. double min; double max; double delta; double r = (double)this.Red / 255; double g = (double)this.Green / 255; double b = (double)this.Blue / 255; double h; double s; double v; min = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b); max = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b); v = max; delta = max - min; if (max == 0 || delta == 0) { // R, G, and B must be 0, or all the same. // In this case, S is 0, and H is undefined. // Using H = 0 is as good as any... s = 0; h = 0; } else { s = delta / max; if (r == max) { // Between Yellow and Magenta h = (g - b) / delta; } else if (g == max) { // Between Cyan and Yellow h = 2 + (b - r) / delta; } else { // Between Magenta and Cyan h = 4 + (r - g) / delta; } } // Scale h to be between 0 and 360. // This may require adding 360, if the value // is negative. h *= 60; if (h < 0) { h += 360; } return new Int32HsvColor((int)h, (int)(s * 100), (int)(v * 100)); }  
  16. Rick Brewster's post in Median alpha bug was marked as the answer   
    Try the 5.0.8 beta and see what you think now: 
  17. Rick Brewster's post in How do I change the scratch space? was marked as the answer   
    Sorry, you can't change the location of the session data (aka scratch space)
  18. Rick Brewster's post in Paint.net is crashing when i adding a layer was marked as the answer   
    This is not the issue. I know exactly what's causing this.
    Any .PDN saved with v5.0.8 beta build 8610 (released on Friday 2023-07-29) will be broken. The newer update, build 8611 (released on Saturday 2023-07-30) does not have this problem. However, the .PDNs saved in build 8610 will still be broken.
    I'm going to post a hotfix to this thread in a few minutes. Build 8610 was only available for a brief period of time, so hopefully this does not affect very many people.
  19. Rick Brewster's post in Can't open certain .dds files in newer version, but can in 3.5.11 was marked as the answer   
    Oh right, Flatout 2. I was reading too fast  Thanks for fixing so quickly!
    @MilesFox92, you can install the updated DDS plugin over here or you can wait for the v5.0.8 update of Paint.NET which will include it. Should be out soon. 
  20. Rick Brewster's post in Feature Request: Locking RGB values was marked as the answer   
    Suggested feature is also very niche, and would require a lot of work on my part. Sorry but it's definitely not in any current plans, nor is it likely to be.
  21. Rick Brewster's post in KEEPING Pixelation was marked as the answer   
    When you're using the Move Selected Pixels tool, set the sampling mode in the toolbar to Nearest Neighbor.

  22. Rick Brewster's post in 5.0.7 always starts on "main display" was marked as the answer   
    Two monitors here. Same. It opens up where it was last closed. Unless it was maximized -- then it opens on the monitor where I click on the pinned taskbar icon for it.
  23. Rick Brewster's post in Disable Symmetric line option when pressing CTRL was marked as the answer   
    I've changed this to Alt in 5.0.8. So just hold on a bit, it should be coming this month.
  24. Rick Brewster's post in Issue: Color Palette Prim & Sec Colors was marked as the answer   
    I'm planning to do some touchups and other small things, QoL fixes and some other minor features, before jumping into vNext work
    I think the solution in the Colors window is to just remove the Primary/Secondary dropdown. Left click is always a primary color related action, right click is always for secondary color.
  25. Rick Brewster's post in BoltBaits Bevel Selection v6.0 in Paint.Net 5.0.6 making top right pixel transparent! was marked as the answer   
    Yeah I'll have a fix in 5.0.7 which should be out fairly soon
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