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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. Ok, someone was asking for a screenshot of 3.0 in some other thread (the "2.70 Beta 1 is available" thread, IIRC). So here's a screenshot. Read more at my blog post: http://blogs.msdn.com/rickbrew/archive/ ... 90661.aspx
  2. You must save as a .JPG, .PNG, or .GIF -- you cannot use a .PDN file, which is the default Save As type if you have more than 1 layer.
  3. The opacity of a layer affects how it contributes to the image composition, but does not affect the actual pixel contents (the pixel values). The tools in Paint.NET are "blind" to a layer's opacity setting, and work with the actual pixel values. This is especially pertinent when working with different layer blending modes. You may use the "Difference" blend mode, and the color you see on screen could be black, but the actual pixel value of the layer at that position may be something like white or red or whatever.
  4. You'll need C++ as well. You don't use the Tablet SDK, you just have to install it. Like I said, check the readme.
  5. This is mentioned in the FAQ, and has been asked many times before.
  6. There is a readme.txt that comes with the source code that explains things.
  7. There's no options/preferences/settings because there's no reason to have it.
  8. I think it's just something that some XML/RESX editors feel like putting in. I don't think it matters.
  9. No, that's not what happens, it's not related to that at all. We run NGEN, which basically compiles Paint.NET for your system. This way we avoid the .NET JIT (just-in-time) compiler, which means our startup performance is faster and we use less memory.
  10. Looks like some simple use of Polar Inversion really ...
  11. Well that was a short beta test period, wasn't it? Like I said this isn't really a 'major' release like 2.5 or 2.6 were, it's more of a .01 release along with some bundled effects that have already been available for awhile. And it also accomplishes moving all the Paint.NET clients out there to start pinging the new website domain for updates (instead of the old hosting that was on .edu). So a .01 version bump just wasn't enough. There was also 1 little bug fixed, it was one of the more annoying ones though. Anyway get it via the updater (File -> Updates -> Check Now), or from the website, http://www.getpaint.net New stuff in this release: * New effect: Glow * New effect: Bulge * New effect: Polar Inversion * New effect: Tile Reflection * New effect: Twist
  12. Moved to General Discussion Note how the Tutorials section starts off with a post titled, "This section is reserved for tutorial publishing only ..."
  13. No, your avatar was set to the same as your signature! Probably just a mistake or something.
  14. Moved to General Discussion Make sure you post in the right forum. Renamed thread title to not be generic Imagine if every thread was called "Please help me!" ...
  15. teotanato, Your avatar was way too wide, so I have removed it.
  16. I have no idea what "bvlengind" means or is ... ... 2.70 is already done. It is simply that one bug fix and the bundled effects.
  17. A color palette, in addition to the current color wheel, is something I'm planning on having for v3.0. I wanted to have it for v2.5 or v2.6 but there just wasn't enough time.
  18. Sorry, we will not be doing this. The project just isn't managed like that.
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