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Everything posted by Tactilis

  1. Welcome to the forum @TheGirlWarlock Personally I would persevere with the current Levels Adjustment dialog and try to train your mind to think about the RGB levels running vertically from 0 at the bottom to 255 at the top. In the end, that will be a lot easier than getting a crick in your neck, screen-snipping and rotating the histograms, or developing a plugin. Your wish (with a bit of lateral thinking) is my command... In the screenshot below, I have laid out my screen with: paint.net on the left the Levels Adjustment dialog top right and the multimedia app PotPlayer from https://potplayer.daum.net/ bottom right Right-click on PotPlayer and from the menu select Video -> Screen Rotation -> 90 degrees Rotation Right-click on PotPlayer again and select Open -> Open Screen Capture - or just press the shortcut Ctrl+S This will open a Camera window, which you can drag and resize so that it sits over the Levels Adjustment dialog as shown in the screenshot below. Everything that is under the Camera window will be displayed in the PotPlayer window but rotated by 90° clockwise. When you adjust the controls in the Levels Adjustment dialog you will see the changes live in the PotPlayer window. To stop screen capturing, right-click on PotPlayer and select Close Playback I'm sure there are other live screen capture apps that can do this, but as I use PotPlayer anyway, it seemed like the easiest kludgey solution.
  2. Yes - that's what I was trying, somewhat clumsily, to say. 😆
  3. As @Rick Brewster has suggested, it is likely that it is not a previous paint.net installation that is in progress. It is some other installation that is 'stuck'. If you Google search for the error message "Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install" then you'll find several possibilities for investigation.
  4. That works and does keep the notes in the .pdn file with the rest of the project, but as you say, it is cumbersome. IMO, it's much easier to write notes in a separate .txt file or a Word .docx document that you name the same as the .pdn and save to the same folder. If you use a Word file you can also include snippets of the image to help illustrate the steps you took.
  5. Welcome to the forum @ljbeng Could you post a link to online storage or upload here a .zip file containing: 1. A jpg file that does display successfully. 2. The same jpg file that you have simply opened and then saved using paint.net that does not display.
  6. @Raenin It's the similar problem for JPEG as was discussed here for PNG - although as @toe_head2001 says, JPEG images have a maximum size of 65,535×65,535, whereas PNG could be larger if WIC would handle it):
  7. I'm puzzled by what you are actually trying to achieve here. How would you selecting a standard size in a drop-down listbox in a plugin (or whatever) that you have to run first be any less work than selecting a standard size on the Print Pictures dialog?
  8. Plugins cannot do that. See https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/117240-guidelines-for-publishing-plugins/
  9. @Mister F if you want curly single or double quotes instead of the straight quotes, then the easiest way is to type pairs of quotes in Word* and then copy & paste the characters into paint.net. * or any other app that auto-converts straight to curly quotes. Alternatively, you can use ANSI ALT codes to type the characters directly into paint.net as follows: ALT 0145 ‘ Left Single Quotation Mark ALT 0146 ’ Right Single Quotation Mark ALT 0147 “ Left Double Quotation Mark ALT 0148 ” Right Double Quotation Mark The way you type these is: Make sure you switch on NumLock on your keyboard Press and hold down the Alt key Type the ALT code digits on the numeric pad (it does not work using the normal 0-9 digits) Release the Alt key and the symbol will appear I mostly use this approach when entering the degree symbol ° (ALT 0176)
  10. But you can't do that in paint.net; you can only have Regular or Italic. Lightbulb moment... I've just realised that when @Mister F says - the regular 'a' in Times New Roman text does not match the italicized 'a' - he simply means that the way the letters are drawn is different: But that's to be expected because that is how the font was designed. It's not an inconsistency and it has nothing to do with paint.net.
  11. Not sure I agree with that statement. Roman type = normal = upright = regular https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_type I think you are referring to Oblique type = slanted roman = sloped roman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oblique_type Italic, as you say, is distinct https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italic_type - but there are not two types of italic. In any case, @Mister F is referring to regular vs italic
  12. Tactilis

    IRONs Shapes

    Very nice work @IRON67 🚀 🚀
  13. Welcome to the forum @Mister F In what way are you expecting them to match? You are probably referring to what are often called 'curly quotes', or 'smart quotes' in Microsoft Word (for example), Here are two lines of text from paint.net in Times New Roman: The top line is regular. The bottom line is italic. From left to right, the characters are: Lowercase A Apostrophe Quotation Mark Comma Left Single Quotation Mark Right Single Quotation Mark Left Double Quotation Mark Right Double Quotation Mark There are no inconsistencies. It is working as expected.
  14. Yes, very likely. If you take this coloured elevation map, convert it to greyscale and fiddle around with the thresholds, you can get close to the first image @saramello posted. @saramello's second image is a contrast-stretched, very low-resolution (i.e blocky), colour-inverted equivalent:
  15. @Budiak Your link to the image currently gives: Access denied Error code 1020 You do not have access to kropyva.ch. The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. However, I suspect this thread will solve your problem:
  16. @Barfunkle999 Please read the thread before posting questions that are already clearly answered. It says, in the very text you quoted: "You use the Object Shadow plugin". And @Pixey has said where to find it: Regarding your request: People are happy to help but are not here to spoon-feed you if you haven't even tried yet. Please install the plugin and experiment first. Also, please read the Forum Rules and note particularly #1
  17. Make sure you are installing version 5.0.13. Looking at your registry keys, your present version seems well out of date.
  18. That's odd. You should have registry keys for: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\paint.net\ File/MostRecent/Path0 .. 9 File/MostRecent/Thumbnail0 .. 9 File/MostRecent/ThumbnailDpi0 .. 9 Looking at the key Updates/LastCheckTimeUtc with value 637777865591369352, it seems that the last time you used this version and it did an update check was 2022-01-14 19:49:19 Did you once have the installer version of paint.net, which uses the Registry, but since then have used only the portable version, which does not use the registry?
  19. You are clicking on an advert. You can. Look at this thread (it's for 5.0.9 but where you click is the same for 5.0.13)
  20. @GamerJamesey You will not receive any help if you SHOUT like that. What you have written makes you come across as rude and entitled. So, before you do anything else, please read the Forum Rules, which are linked at the top and bottom of every page. After you have done that, if you are still having a problem with this plugin, please post again and explain exactly what is not working for you. For example: - Is it an installation problem and you can't get the plugin to display in the menu? - Does the plugin display OK but you don't know how to use it? - Does the plugin crash for you? In which case, please post the crash log.
  21. @JAA It would be very helpful if you could post a couple of example pictures showing exactly what you mean.
  22. @0rinoco It's always a good idea to first read the comprehensive and well written paint.net Documentation. In paint.net click the Help icon at the top right, or press the shortcut key F1, or bookmark this page https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/index.html The Clone Stamp is described under Tools -> Photo Tools -> Clone Stamp Tool https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/CloneStamp.html The way the tool works has not changed.
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