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About GillFelis

  • Birthday 05/01/1960

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Exeter, UK
  • Interests
    Botanist (mainly field botany these days; especially interested in Poaceae and Taraxacum).

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  1. No easy way here. Filling, pixel by pixel, using the pencil tool is an option. Let me know how it's going next Christmas. Shame to wreck a worthy piece.
  2. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/15260-plugin-index/ 100% with @welshblue. An example posted here would help. It would help us all.
  3. You beat me to it, @Eli. Now, please excuse me - I have to get back to knitting brains for my men.
  4. 3) DO NOT SHOUT. We can hear you just fine. Using all capitals is often interpreted as rude, so please don't. Ah, well. Probably just me then. I find the shouty thing annoying. A lack of FINESSE.
  5. I work with offenders five days a week. You just broke one of the rules.
  6. D'accord. Do let us know how you would have accomplished a helpful video tutorial that shows in real time how G'MIC delivers. In just a few words.
  7. But Pixey's tutorial does demonstrate the slowness of the G'MIC toy.
  8. Hello, The '... older VHS tutorial...' that you refer to (y'know - the one that you have 'more improved'). Indulge me. Post a link to it.
  9. Hello MadJik's Light Rays plugin may help. If you look here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/4495-light-rays-update-ymd170928/
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