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Everything posted by johnnysdream

  1. Good job here bro!One problem,I'm too stupid to get past step 2!!!Sad. For instance ",Open up a new canvas that is 2x your starscape canvas, fill the canvas with black, then add noise at the same settings as earlier.. Run brightness contrast at -100/50, then run median with 100 percentile and a 1-3 radius. Next run a 1-2 px gaussian blur if you want. Now copy+paste" should I have 1 or 2 layers BEFORE I start step 2?Also,if someone could give me a step by step on the copy and paste method,I'd be on my way.Thannks in advance.
  2. Not a better space artist at Paint Dot Net!I mean,I can make cooler stuff maybe but not without cheating heavily with clouds or premade fractals.I will learn your method though.I just need to stop and start A LOT on one of your youtube speed paintings since you havent made a proper tutorial.
  3. But then again,he DID asked for the name of the effect.Not for a plugin.That is a blur/fade effect isn't it?Understood though.You make a good point
  4. ay yer the woman with the funny accent!I follow this girl on youtube.Learned a lot from her but never seen her here before.Her PDN skills are way up there.
  5. Hmm?Im not sure what you are asking but it looks like you just cut out the picture you want and blur the edges.Like Welshblue said try TR's Extreme Edge Fader.
  6. Maybe use the magic wand tool to select each letter by itself.If its selected(highlighted)it should color only that letter.
  7. PFT!!!!LMBO!!!HAHAHAAAA!I have no business at all trying to write code.I cant even tell you what words like alpha displacement means or gradient mapping or kuwahara filter means.............now excuse me as I run off to write some code.
  8. I should have known that.Duh.Thanks
  9. This one is awesome.Please tell me what you meant by clicked the transparent outside,
  10. Im so late on this but ah,I cant find any help with how to actually make an animation.The video you put up isnt really a tutorial on how to use the program.It moreso just shows the options.I know what a frame is (or do i)but I ........Hmm,not sure how to put it in words.Let me start over.Id love to use what looks like an awesome plugin but theres just not enough info.Too many people on here just assume everyone knows this stuff.Whats a cell?Whats a column?Do you make 1 layer and thats a frame?Then on to the next layer?Whats a grid?How do you put one between each cell? In your video it shows you open up an animation/picture that was already finished.Then you uploaded it to the animation helper and showed what it looked like but there is no real instruction to be found.A step by step video.Hope im not sounding rude.But ive just started messing around with using paint.net and wmm to make movies/animations with and im sure somehow this plugin could really be useful and I want to learn it.
  11. any ships in these images were made in google sketchup.Then rendered with Shaderlight.Other than that,these pictures are 90 to 100% paint.net.
  12. nice work.I have a thought for the red circle thing with no name...how bout the future logo for CBS?
  13. ya i think i did something wrong.I missed how to do multiple images at the same time.I'll have to try again.
  14. 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/NhYDpxf.png 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/6IS9zRz.png 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/3tRgqbO.png 100% pdn http://i.imgur.com/044LICi.jpg 100% pdn http://i.imgur.com/7W4vXkT.jpg 100% pdn http://i.imgur.com/HHX5JNi.jpg 100% pdn http://i.imgur.com/cpnnH3t.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wGDXGmU.png The computer "eye" of Hal 9000 from 20001 A Space Odyssey 100% pdn http://i.imgur.com/Xo0kc3q.png 100% pdn http://i.imgur.com/DkxncgR.jpg 100% pdn http://i.imgur.com/Ijsiw0E.jpg 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/CppTCtj.jpg 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/sj7uzVm.png 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/KEDdAD4.png 100% pdn http://i.imgur.com/21BqblN.png 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/7TptVJX.jpg 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/x5KiR88.png 100%pdn http://i.imgur.com/7TA59JA.png 99%pdn http://i.imgur.com/ChDHnkv.png http://i.imgur.com/YyS4UW1.png http://i.imgur.com/1wZqDOD.png http://i.imgur.com/JMMC4zJ.png http://i.imgur.com/oizkLTl.png http://i.imgur.com/uFwvnGj.png http://i.imgur.com/EYLC7HN.png http://i.imgur.com/DJgvBoN.jpg
  15. Actually I installed that a few days ago.It seemed to fade the edges really good but yet the edge that was left was still a lil jagged.I'll have another go at that.
  16. Well I figured that would be the very first thing that someone would reply with.The fact is,I downloaded it again and again and again.AFTER I deleted them from my effects folder like you said(thanks for the reply btw).They are all 3 still there.Again,all the other packs(including everything in the Bolt pack)install just fine except for oldfeather.Last night I found a couple ways to do the same job.Antialias or something like that.But I still prefer oldfeather.
  17. Old Feather?Whats goin on with this?I had it for a long time.Then i downloaded some pack(from some girls site that does PDN tutorials on youtube)and its gone.So since then ive downloaded it several times right from here.I know what Im doing because all the other plugins work fine and what not.Just everytime I download Old Feather its never there.It is BY FAR the one tool i used more than any other.I cant get good clean edges without it.I gotta have it!And for some reason I have 3 feathers.It says feather feather feather.I dont like any of them.But no old feather.Any ideas?
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