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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Pak has been updated with TR's Keyframe TR's Dodge and Burn
  2. Don't double click that erases the nub, just single click. Clicking on a nub is the way to delete them. Only one zoom level so far.
  3. TechnoRobbo's Dodge and Burn (Adjustment Brush) DPI at V 1.4.0+ A Photo Retouching Tool This is a Plugin that was requested by Pratyush This simulates the classic photographic printing effect and adds a color aspect. It has plenty of "undo's" but a simple interface. Use Left Click to Apply and Right Click to Move around. Brush Designs , Blur and Sharpen suggestion by Eli. Full Screen and others suggested by Red Ochre Deasuration suggested by racerx Color Blend , Luminosity, Saturation and Contrast suggested by Pratyush Version 1.4.0+ includes changes by AnthonyScoffler Fix: removed pre-multiplying of alpha channel in output image Easier to read color button CTRL+Z for undo Hold Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to change the brush size Take a bow Anthony! Hidden Content: Version 1.3.28++ Bug Fix Custom Brush Version 1.3.23 - Turning off Shade Lock takes on new settings Version 1.3.22 - Each Shader retains it's individual Exposure & Intensity Settings Version 1.3.20 - ShadeLock is now persistent Version 1.3.18+ tested to 192 DPI 1920 x 1080 Version 1.3.17+ Fixes Luminosity and Add Mouse Wheel Control Version 1.3.15+ ColorBlend and Luminosity Modes suggested by Pratyush Version 1.3.14+ New Brush Designs by Eli, Enhanced Zoom (Zoom Out) Version 1.3.13+ adds a Contrast brush, fixes Red & Blue Checkbox switch Version 1.3.12+ Streamlines the Panning Version 1.3.11+ LockShade bug fix Version 1.3.10+ applies Color Checkbox to All Modes Version 1.3.9+ Hue Rotation + Preview v 1.3.8+ adds Saturation (and an Alpha Channel bug fix) v 1.3.7+ adds Desaturation Version 1.3.5+ Stippling, ClipBoard for Bachground Reference,Double-Click on Title to see menu. Version 1.3.4+ Opens to full screen Version 1.3.3+ Fixes a clamping issue at Left Border Version 1.3.2+ adds Blur and Sharpen Version 1.2.1 Zoom feature and Shade Lock Version 1.1.2+ fixes Hard Brush Version 1.1.1+ Different Brush patterns - Load a custom brush Menu: Effects->Photo TRsDodgeBurn.zip
  4. Version 1.0.4 Fixes a graphic I shut off by accident while fixing scaling for HDPI
  5. Version 1.0.3+ HDPI Updated - Tested to 200% Special Thanks to Midora for helping with the testing.
  6. Red , do you mean the Utah Teapot Thanks Helen and Happy Belated Birthday!
  7. Your exo-planet collection is awesome. Is the diamond world based on 55 Cancri e? http://www.astronomy.com/news/2013/10/diamond-super-earth-may-not-be-quite-as-precious-as-once-thought
  8. Nah, I'm pretty sure it was all advertising and product placement. This is a an ad for NIKE https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/Egypt_Hieroglyphe4.jpg
  9. https://www.dropbox....e Pack.zip?dl=0 Created with ShapeMaker for Paint.Net 4.0.6
  10. I'm convinced hieroglyphics were actually QR codes from ancient aliens. All we need is 3000 yr old IPhone.....
  11. I got it working using the AutoScaleMode = DPI and tweaking the custom controls. - the problem is testing at the higher DPI's since the Form is larger than my screen and borrowed screen combined. The image does not fit on 2 screens at 200% using 96DPI screens. But I have some very promising results. What I will do later on when I get home is send you a Dropbox link to what I'm currently working on and you can let me know or sends me another screen shot to see if it works on your 278DPI screen.
  12. Ah I see. All the screen shots appeared the same size on my screen. I thought it was an alignment issue.I see it's a size issue. POST EDIT - I'm borrowing a monitor to extend my display so I can see what you see.
  13. Version 1.0.2 uploaded Increase Form Size and adjusts fonts for HDPI
  14. Version 1.0.1 Ready for Download Version 1.0.1+ HDPI fix. Undo Bug Fix
  15. Version 1.2 ready for download It has Grow,Shrink and Rotate
  16. FYI I just combined the help files in the zip - since they are required for install. I think that's cool idea
  17. PDN 4.0.6 is the Game Changer - this is a tool to help it along
  18. Links to Manuals have been fixed. Make sure you give the entire Dwarf Horde their +1's, I did not and could not do this alone.
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