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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. No hassle at all Maximilian Version 1.2 ready for Download persistent Save Folder
  2. I'm really diggin' this, nice work!!
  3. The Master of Mathematical Art strikes again. Sorry, I should have given you your props yesterday. Lot's of possibilities with this one! https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjq1hlzgj0wbt7v/TAYLORML.png?raw=1
  4. Iamnoob - thank you for your PM, the image was a great help. As I had suspected, the bug had to do with the dimensions of the image itself. Since neither height nor width was larger than 255 pixels it caused an overflow while the plugin tried to achieve a 255 Alpha (full opacity). V.5.3.5 ready for download "small image" bug fixed!!!! hopefully I uploaded the right version
  5. TR's EdgefaderExtreme was renamed TR's EFX - I may have uploaded the wrong version, Sorry I just posted version 5.3 - please check for crash
  6. What the conditions were before it crashed would be nice. This way I could reproduce. Size of image , PDN version your using- what steps were made prior to crash? If a crash log was produce a copy would be great it usually points right to the problem
  7. Version 1.4 Incorporates part of not all BoltBait's Pastel Effect for the full effect use BoltBait's Plugin. Ready for Download
  8. At it's base this plugin has a charcoal sketch like result. But that was the outcome not the intent. I changed the description since it's obviously a tool like any other with no real rules on how you eventually use it.
  9. Version 1.3 Ready for Download v1.3 Retain Color and Invert Controls by BoltBait (a Dwarf Horde Collaboration) So go to one of BoltBaits Post and give him a +1
  10. Yup - jpeg's have patterned compression artifacts that get highlighted by plugins that enhance edges.
  11. Version 1.1 ready for Download v1.1 Slider and angle control by Red Ochre
  12. TR's Croquis added to the pile. a charcoal sketch filter based on a divide algorithm
  13. TechnoRobbo's Croquis (Dwarf Horde Collaboration) ​Quick Sketch Filter 3.5 compatible v1.2 Slider and angle control by Red Ochre v1.3 RetainColor and Invert Controls by BoltBait v1.4 Pastel Effect by BoltBait Menu: Effects->Artistic CodeLab Source Code (it's a divide algorithm) Hidden Content: // Submenu: Artistic // Name: TRs Croquis // Title: TRs Croquis - v1.4 // Author: TechnoRobbo & Red Ochre & BoltBait // URL: http://www.technorobbo.com #region UICode int Amount1 = 210; // [0,225] Contrast int Amount2 = 0; // [0,255] Clip Lo int Amount3 = 222; // [129,255] Clip Hi double Amount4 = 0.5; // [0.1,10] Distance double Amount5 = 45; // [-180,180] Angle bool Amount6 = false; // [0,1] Retain Color bool Amount7 = false; // [0,1] Invert byte Amount8 = 0; // [1] Pastel Action|None|Invert|Rail #endregion private UnaryPixelOps.Invert invertOp = new UnaryPixelOps.Invert(); //private BinaryPixelOp multiplyOp = LayerBlendModeUtil.CreateCompositionOp(LayerBlendMode.Multiply); //for PDN 4 private UserBlendOp multiplyOp = new UserBlendOps.MultiplyBlendOp(); // Multiply for CodeLab 1.8 and Paint.NET 3.5x void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { ColorBgra CP; Color rgb; double k; double l; float offX = (float)(Amount4 * Math.Cos(Amount5 * Math.PI / 180)); float offY = (float)(Amount4 * Math.Sin(Amount5 * Math.PI / 180)); for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { CP = src.GetBilinearSampleWrapped((float)x + offX,(float)y + offY); rgb = CP.ToColor(); l = rgb.GetBrightness(); CP = src[x,y]; rgb = CP.ToColor(); k = rgb.GetBrightness(); k = (k==0)? 0: l/k; k *=k; k *=255; k = (k>255)?255:k; double inverse = 255 - Amount1; k -= Amount1; k = (k<0) ? 0:k; k= k * 255 / inverse; k =(k < Amount2) ? 0: (k > Amount3) ? 255:k; dst[x,y] = ColorBgra.FromBgra((byte)k , (byte)k ,(byte)k, CP.A); if (Amount7) { dst[x,y] = invertOp.Apply(dst[x,y]); } if (Amount6) { dst[x,y] = multiplyOp.Apply(dst[x,y],src[x,y]); } if (Amount8!=0) { ColorBgra CurrentPixel = dst[x,y]; PaintDotNet.HsvColor hsv = PaintDotNet.HsvColor.FromColor(CurrentPixel.ToColor()); int H = hsv.Hue; int S = hsv.Saturation; int V = hsv.Value; byte A = CurrentPixel.A; switch (Amount8) { case 1: V = 100-V; break; case 2: V = 100; break; } CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.FromColor(new PaintDotNet.HsvColor(H,S,V).ToColor()); CurrentPixel.A = A; dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } } } TRsCroquis.zip
  14. Click on the colortable and you can alter that color
  15. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/29424-trs-color-reducer-v10/
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