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Mike Ryan's (Revamped) Gallery

Mike Ryan

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Welcome to my revamped gallery. All images that you see now will soon be replaced of course, but that doesnt matter. What actually matters is the new content I will be adding to my gallery from this point forward. Weekly, I will write articles explaining different methods, habits, or miniature tutorials so keep checking back. Also, I want to add competitions in here but that will take a moderators approval first. So, until my gallery gets the 'finished' symbol, feel free to look at my flimsy artwork and comment away!




th_firstpictoriumpost.pngth_BlueGem_BlueBubbles.pngth_strawberryfieldsforever.pngth_paranormalstate.png - - th_neon_donuts.png - th_xorcirlce.png - th_glassonion.png


th_neon_donuts.png - th_realisticwax.png - th_candytext.png

Signatures and Avatars...

th_japanesesig4.png - th_fable.png


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As part of a new feature to my gallery, I present the Competitions section. Here, I plan on posting miniature competitions that will focus on smaller elements of an image, test your knowledge of Paint.NET, and get you more involved in posting withen your own gallery. (Also, please note that you CANNOT POST SUBMISSIONS in this gallery. Any and all submissions must go into your own gallery unless they are text based)

Do you remember...

As a bit of a test run, this first competition is a simple 'Do you remember...' game. So, the question is do you remember how I made this?


First one to guess gets a specially designed signature from me!


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A New Gallery, a New Beginning...

Well, as some of you may know this gallery has received some major work and with this major work I have added some features to hopefully bring in some more viewers and get new users excited about posting in their own gallery. So as part of my first Blog entry, I just want to take the time to explain these features to you...

The first you will notice is that the main page is being reorganized for categorization of images. Right now I am using the Photo Bucket thumbnail trick for previews, but I want to redo these thumbnails to be black and white and contain the name of the image. This should make it easier to keep things on an organized level for commenting.

I am also changing my direction in style. I have been doing abstract for some time, but now I feel the need to change this abstract style into a vector style creating basic shapes and adding color, effects, and more. Everything at the moment is very experimental but I promise to get some WIPs ready soon.

As well, some of you may have noticed that I am organizing competitions with in my gallery. These competitions will be simple, sometimes not even involving images. This is all just to get more action through my gallery and for users to post more.

And last but not least is this section you are reading right now: my Blog/ Tutorials. This is pretty much a biweekly section in which I will post tutorials, information, updates, and more. For instance, all of my tutorials will appear here first for a week before published in the tutorials section.

Overall, I hope you enjoy the new look of my gallery. Enjoy the art, and let the fun begin :wink:

-Mike Ryan


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Terms of Usage and Previous Items...

Well, there is nothing here... yet. I am writing up an overall license over all posted images and until that is finished I do not recommend redistributing, claiming, reworking, or editing any of my posted works. As well, check back here for previous competition winners, previous tutorials, and more.


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Hello Mike,

I liked a lot the 2 xor experiments (so xor has its utility, after all...), the blue gem exploding and the untitled, the wax drops looks waxy but I think you should shape them into real drops (may be falling from a cylindric shape) to see more of the waxy look.

off topic: Thanks x tut on levels it helped a lot!

Looking forward to see more of your artwork,


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  • 2 weeks later...
Quadruple Post :shock:

I have a new signature and avatar.

I can't think of anything wrong with the signature. In my opinion, the avatar should use a lighter shade of gray to match the signature, and perhaps a different font (Futura? Maybe Univers would work nice too...) rather than Arial (?)**.

**Not 100% sure if that is Arial though.



I am a disco dancer. +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+

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