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World's Universal Gallery (Sonic Screwdriver 1/18)


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Well, this is a slightly larger update than usual. This is because I'll be going on a week long vacation at Canada a few days from now. When I arrive home again, I'll be taking a mental vacation for a little while (defined as: sleeping, eating, sleeping again, :P ), so I won't be using PdN for awhile.


Anyway, let's start with the update, eh?


I'm really proud of this piece, because it's the first realistic piece which actually has some sort of landscape view (meaning: like a photograph. ie. Notice the unfocus blur of the objects on the left and right side of the image). Also, it's the first realistic piece that has a set theme and wasn't a spacescape. I think that people that have actually seen Doctor Who or Torchwood might appreciate this piece a bit more, but those who don't know about the series can enjoy it realistically pleasing look...


Submission for LAOTW Contest #2. (MAD, by the way, stands for "Mutually Assured Destruction". It's a Cold War term defining a destructive stalemate if two nations were to use nuclear arms---namely the US and the Soviet Union. I may be wrong though, that's just my foggy memory speaking) I find it disorienting that during summer break, my knowledge of World History just creeped up on me....


Just an expansion of the above piece. I decided to take the Torchwood interface and split it into different screens. I was going for a high-techy look, but I think I only managed half of what I was intending....


Now, here's some bonus unreleased work I found while clearing out my computer. The first one will seem more "beginner-type" than all other pieces I've made.....Well, that's because that piece was from my "earlier days" with PdN :) I'll start with the earliest and end with the most recent...

th_unrsunrise.png<--One of my earliest tutorial following/stray-away-from-tutorial pieces I ever made. Guess whose tutorial it was :wink:

th_unrspace.png<---A "first draft" of one of my best pieces

th_ImpactTag.png<---Was going to be a new header. Changed my mind though. The impact piece here was slightly redone to emphasize a "warmer" explosion.


Well, that's all :) I'll be back in a few weeks. Open to all comments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again :D

Ok, so now I've got two planets here:

th_BlueMarble.png th_RedPlanet.png

The first one was a good template for another Earth, but it seems a bit complicated to put in land masses :| So I just decided to leave it like this.

The second one could very well be called Mars :wink:

This will be the last space themed image for awhile. I've got a few more ideas stashed away for the future. I'll tell you one thing though. The next update will consist of multiple images and be themed around a popular classic game. :wink: Stay tuned!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so originally this update was going to be a big update....until I saw Google this morning. Evidently, this is the 50th anniversary of the founding of NASA. I had a small idea stuck in the backburner which I was going to leave until after I finished with the new theme I was working all my recent art into (which is coming along smoothly. I have a fair amount of images created with a few in the process :wink: ). However, I chose to take out the rough draft and work on it. And this is the final result:


(Fun Fact: This is a model of the NASA Command/Service Module [or CSM] used during the Apollo mission [1960s--mid-1970. But well recognized during the first moon landing in 1969 or the "lifeboat" strategy used during the "successful failure" of Apollo 13 in 1970.] The top shiny, cone-like part, called the command module is where the crew resides and brings them home. The cylindrical part is the service module, which contains the propulsion systems as well as the majority of power/oxygen.)

I like how this came out, especially the background. At least I figured out how to make cone-like shapes without doing them freehand. Perhaps I'll go back to this in the future and add in some missing stuff (like the quad antennas/satellites). I also intended to make a Saturn V Rocket, but there's a few other rough drafts I want to finish. I just wanted to make sure I submitted something space-themed to mark this day.

Next week is the first of a (hypothetical) two-parter update based on a video game theme :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

@saabo----Thanks :D


Part One of two updates based on the characters of Super Mario :)

So last month or so, I've gone back in Nintendo gaming history and purchased "Paper Mario" for the Wii's Virtual Console. Turned out to be quite an interesting game to play. Then I thought about creating some Mario characters on PdN, something I haven't seen tried yet.

So these are the results:


Actually, these images are based heavily on the official artwork of "Paper Mario" (reference artwork obtained from my cousin, who owned a really old "Nintendo Power" Magazine) so they are styled more in this fashion than th current looks of these characters. Then again, the difference isn't really noticeable much :wink:

I've got a few more WIPs set for next week, which are near completion/need a few more tweaks (so there's no point in me posting a preview :wink: ). Not so much based on characters next time, but people who look at the RTSOTPAY thread frequently will get where I'm hinting at. Stay tuned!

Oh, and for the record (and for those who don't frequent Image Umbrellas too much):


Also remodeled the first page, so it's more organized and less messy. Also got rid of the Favorites section, because they've become to numerous to put in one place :)

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Hi folks!

I finally got myself a DeviantArt account :mrgreen: Basically I'm just going to reroute a majority image links on the homepage to point to those now in dA. Also, I'm planning on putting unreleased pieces and WIPs there, while only putting finished stuff here. In fact, as a special, I uploaded my next piece to dA. I'm still figuring stuff out about dA, so I'll put it in an official update here in a few days. But for now, just take a little look-see :) I'll be sure to watch a few members on dA when I feel better in a few days...

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Thanks for the birthday greeting Topezia :mrgreen:


Anyway, all I have here is a very close to finished piece. It's only a "release candidate" version because I'm still working on fixing the top spire, which looks strange... Also, I wan to upload the full sized piece to deviantART (minus the background. Actually, the full sized piece is 1600x1600 ;)) but it's just not agreeing with me today. For some reason, I can't get the "Categories" screen to load and therefore can't complete the upload :(

Anyway, just enjoy this piece for now. I'll post an update when I get it to deviantART :)

EDIT: Nevermind. It's working now :)


Fixed the spire, removed the background. Enjoy!

EDIT2: Forgot to post a previous update didn't I? :oops:


A Paper Mario Battlefield!

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Torchwood Three's Rift Manipulator :)


Even if you're not a TW fan, it still easy to notice that it's a really advance piece of technology.


In other news, I've got a few WIPs over at my deviantART. They'll be released soon. Stay tuned!

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An unexpected release (again) xD


Wow, I create things outta the blue :lol:

Usually if I were to create something, I would leave it for the next weekly update. But this time I wanted to fit the deadline of the Olympics (just like the NASA thing last month) which is due to finish tomorrow.

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Well, sorta.

For the Earth? No. That's just a series of clouds, transparent gradients to erase the clouds to form landmasses, and Shape3D. Too lengthy and complex to make into a tut.

For the asteroid? Well, that's another story. I was going to, but by the time I had free time, I had already forgotten how it was done. I remember it was clouds and emboss, but I forgot the blending modes and effects used. When I experiment enough times in which I remember how to do it, I'll make one :wink:

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Yeah, quite recently I've been pushing out works faster than usual. It seems like as soon as school is about to begin, I get a million ideas to draw, opposed to the loss of creativity during vacation :x

To end out August, I decided to go summer vacation style and draw...Fruits!


...And for some less interesting ones which have already been on deviantART for the past few days:


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Great stuff, and you're creating much better artwork! I really like the fruit piece and the sword. I'm guessing the the fruit piece was inspired from PSD tuts? KIU

The champagne glass is great, and it looks good in the base, but the top, doesnt look too glassy. It tempts me to go get a drink. Yeah.. i'm getting myself a drink :P

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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@LFC4EVER----Thanks, and glad you like :) Yes, it was indeed inspired by the PSD tut when it was first published a long way back, and I actually started it back then but didn't have much time to finish it until now. And yeah, I sorta noticed that the top isn't too glassy, which I fixed by blurring and lowering the opacity of the top spot a bit more (I think the side with the fruit demonstrates an eample). Also fixed the fruit :D

@HELEN---Soda Glass! That's the word I was looking for :P Yes, indeed. I do not drink. It's only soda. Really. :lol:

Fruit fix and glassy fix:


Oh, and I forgot to add this into the previous post. TARDIS (Doctor Who) Interface Screen:


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