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The Pictorium. A new Forum?

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I do have a DA but what happens when my friends wanna see my Work? its hard telling them to go to deviantart and search for me but it would be easier to say

"go to PDN forums/Pictorium and look for liquidcore all my work will be there"


"go to searchpaint.net and type in liquidcore's pictoruim"

Now im done...Maybe...hopefully

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I do have a DA but what happens when my friends wanna see my Work? its hard telling them to go to deviantart and search for me but it would be easier to say

"go to PDN forums/Pictorium and look for liquidcore all my work will be there"


"go to searchpaint.net and type in liquidcore's pictoruim"

Now im done...Maybe...hopefully

I see what your saying, but Rick is totally against this idea. :roll:

@Ash - No but Rick did*

Remember he said the dA is 1000x times better?


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I do have a DA but what happens when my friends wanna see my Work? its hard telling them to go to deviantart and search for me but it would be easier to say

"go to PDN forums/Pictorium and look for liquidcore all my work will be there"


"go to searchpaint.net and type in liquidcore's pictoruim"

Now im done...Maybe...hopefully

Just give your friends the link to your dA page. even faster then searching on the forum.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Oh wow I'm correct in your eyes, for once... :x

I'm done here this is useless... If were the admin I would just tell people oh puts you pics in the old pictorium in the new one then un-sticky it and lock it with the new beautiful Picto forum. But I'm not the admin. :x

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But then, that's what it really comes down to. Rick is the Admin, and if we agree or disagree with how he's running the pictorium or the forum as a whole, it's his forum. His decision. What he says is final.

I just didn't know he had made any statement like that till now. I can and will argue that the same reasons we have a pictorium thread applies to a pictorium forum, with the added benifits that the forum offers. But ultimately it's his decision.

One is left with two alternatives. do as the admin say, or start one's own forum. Some people have done both. And now that I know about the pdn fan forum, I'll be going there as well as here.

As for DA.. i'm still looking it over and trying to decide if it's worth my time. I generally am very slow to download programs or sign up for new accounts. I tend to research everything and mull it over for weeks at a time before doing either.

I was checking out Paint.Net on the website and on any searchable google site that gave praise or criticism to it, for a month before I finally downloaded it. It took me even another week before signing up for the account here. (which I still havn't given it the honor of a place on my Favorites menu, yet. I'm still calling this forum up from the history.)

But I may decide to try out DA.. i'll give it a good going over first.

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It took lazy me a long time to join as well, but thats mainly because my username was taken. I wish I had done it sooner too. Even though I havnt posted anything yet (I will soon), it makes it a lot easier to keep up with everyone else's creations, and let them know what you think.

I'm still alive!

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@Paint_Boy: dude, chill...high blood pressure never got anybody anything except a heart attack ;)

This is a fantastic forum with a ton of very useful content that is controlled by a maniacal super-genius named Rick Brewster. He has his reasons for not wanting this type of change, and it's his forum.

I think boltbait said it best. This forum's focus isn't displaying user-created images, and Rick doesn't want a pictorium section...

That aside, everyone might not want to create a DA account immediately. If they don't, and they want a Paint.NET-specific forum where they can show their chops, one exists, and is only a click away.

My $0.02

drakaan sig jan 2020.png

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I tent to see this forum as a part of the documentation for paint.NET. And the pictorium is for discussing how to use the program.

If you want to show your work to a wider audience, Deviant Art is a great place to go.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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Yeah, I agree with leif to an extent... I think of the forums as a communtiy BUT comunities usually do post things that they have done but as the way of Frojo, Ash Boltbait ect. put it This "Community Is NOT for posting your work but rather sharing things you've learned (Hence "tutorials") and to a very small extent of what you've done.

Conclusion... The current pictorium is fine for what it's meant for!

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I tent to see this forum as a part of the documentation for paint.NET. And the pictorium is for discussing how to use the program.

If you want to show your work to a wider audience, Deviant Art is a great place to go.

Yes! Finally someone that thinks just like me! Hats of to you, Leif!

EDIT: You to, LiquidCore!


If I read the specs correctly, whenever Forumer upgrades to PHPBB 3, temporary bans like that will be available. :twisted:
If I'm correct, PHPbb2 already does that. I've seen Rick do it before (ironically, it was caused by posts in the Pictorium).

"The greatest thing about the Internet is that you can write anything you want and give it a false source." ~Ezra Pound

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