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Old SOTW discussion thread *depricated*

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Wow, I have the most simplistic one. But as Hernàrd Goudê once said "It is better to be void than bloated." plus "less is more".

By the way, I think the next SOTW contest should be about history. The Third Battle of Panipat. Alexander's defeat at the Kingdom of Mali (the one in India.) Chandragupta Maurya's expulsion of the Greek Yavanas.



I am a disco dancer. +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+

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Thats odd. I did used to have 2 versions of that sig on my Photobucket, but I don't think I linked to that version. Besides, I deleted that version. Could the link have jumped? I didn't edit my post. I am very confused.

EDIT: Spike, you keep records of my sigs?

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Thats odd. I did used to have 2 versions of that sig on my Photobucket, but I don't think I linked to that version. Besides, I deleted that version. Could the link have jumped? I didn't edit my post. I am very confused.

EDIT: Spike, you keep records of my sigs?

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Re-opened discussion: I've had that too, Commander. You upload an image to Photobucket, delete it, then upload a new image with the same file name and directory (an updated version). When you post the IMG code, what do you know, the old, deleted image is shown. Then, the new one appears sometime later replacing it, even though you didn't edit it.


v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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Re-opened discussion: I've had that too, Commander. You upload an image to Photobucket, delete it, then upload a new image with the same file name and directory (an updated version). When you post the IMG code, what do you know, the old, deleted image is shown. Then, the new one appears sometime later replacing it, even though you didn't edit it.


v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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whats up guys, i haent posted in a while but i gave the tron sig i tryed was pretty awsome ! i like all yours ! there so sweet hopefully i can participate more now that summer is in session :P anyways peep mine let me know what you think

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whats up guys, i haent posted in a while but i gave the tron sig i tryed was pretty awsome ! i like all yours ! there so sweet hopefully i can participate more now that summer is in session :P anyways peep mine let me know what you think

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