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thickness of pen line

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I am trying to determine what was printed or handwritten under a series of spiral and vertical and horizontal strokes, all black.  I believe all was done with the same pen.  If done by the same writer, then the difference might be the strokes intended to obliterate are more intense, making them heavier or thicker. My question:  Magic Wand helps with different colors  - what can you suggest that might discern heaviness or thickness in all in one color?  -- in contiguous strokes?  Any thoughts?

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Tough project.

I can't see an easy option to remove the lines by their weight. You might have better luck removing the lines by their direction (assuming that the obliterating scribble is composed of roughly parallel lines).

I think it is going to be very difficult to recover the original message.

Feel free to upload the source image for other to have a look.

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Very, very long shot!:
 - Perhaps the harder obliteration lines embossed the reverse of the paper and could be used as a 'mask' to select what needs to be erased?

Carbon paper may help, if you can get it these days.

(I read far too much Sherlock Holmes!  :D  )

Good luck.

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A duplicate layer with Gaussian blur applied can be used to select a color and adjust the magic wand to be thicker or thinner. Use this selection on the non-blurred layer. You should be able to delete thick lines. Portions of the thin lines will also disappear of course.

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
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