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quick question about circular images

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Very new to paint and ive been searching fo ages for an answer that I can get to work.


I am trying to create a circular image cut from a larger image, when I try and crop the selection after using the elipse select I still get a square canvas which leave my circukar image on a white square background which is no use to me.


Where am I going wrong



Edited by Ego Eram Reputo
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Hi Steve, the canvas (the bit of screen that you are working on will always be square. If you select your circular image, press CTRL + C to copy it, add a new layer from the layers window, press CTRL + V to paste it into your new layer. Then untick (uncheck) the box on the layer with the original image to hide it, or if you no longer need it, delete the layer. You should now be looking at your circle with a light grey checkerboard. The checkerboard denotes transparency. So now you have a nice round image. To keep the nice round image, you need to save it as a .PNG. If it asks you if you want to flatten it, choose "yes" but make sure the circle is the only layer showing.


Phew that was a long winded explanation. I hope it helps. 


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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You cannot make a circular image. They are always rectangular ;) You can make it appear circular though.

What you'll need to do is crop to the circular size then erase the white corners. Use the Magic Wand + delete key.

Note: When you do this the corners will have a grey white checkerboard pattern. This denotes transparency. You'll need to save your image in a format which supports transparency i.e. PNG not JPG.

Edit: Beaten by Barbieq25 :)

Second edit: Returned to edit the thread title so it is descriptive & in keeping with the forum rules.

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Hello. :)
Similar to what barbieq25 suggested, you can also try this :
1) Duplicate your image.
2) Un-check the original image (background layer).
3) Make an ellipse selection on the second layer. (Tip, holding shift while making the selection will make a perfect circle)
4) Crop to Selection.
6) Delete the background image.
7) Save as .png or .gif.

The key to having images of any shape is to save in a format that is compatible with transparency. Png is one of the most popular formats that handles transparency.


And to be honest, you actually should be able to crop the image without needing to duplicate it in order to get the background transparent, but for whatever reason I do remember that sometimes I have ended up with white filling-in in the corners instead of them being transparet. So just to play it safe I always duplicate my layers. The same goes when I resize my canvas, I duplicate the image because the background layer will end up filling in the expanded areas with what ever color is my primary color.

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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The same goes when I resize my canvas, I duplicate the image because the background layer will end up filling in the expanded areas with what ever color is my primary color.


It's actually the secondary color and if you go to the color wheel first and in more you adjust the transparency to make the secondary color transparent there will be no color added.


Making an odd shaped image that is not a square is an illusion. If you use the same color for the square background as the place you are posting it,then it will look round.



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It's actually the secondary color and if you go to the color wheel first and in more you adjust the transparency to make the secondary color transparent there will be no color added.


Oh, you're right, it is secondary, my bad. haha :lol:

And yes, good tip about setting it to Transparency - Alpha 0.

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