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Tutorial Site

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Well some of the older people may remeber me. I the guy who join back in 2005 and have tryed my best to help out even though I don't post must do to life and an old computer dieing. Anyway that who I am for the newbie's who never seen me or for the oldie who forgot who I was.

So what is this Tutorial Site all about you ask ?

Well a long long time ago I was thinking about popping this question but at the time I was working 6 - 8 hours a day and trying to keep up in school so I never got to ask it. Well I now in college but am not working because I moved (Hope to change that soon). Even though I am going to college and plan to get a job soon I feel that this project can be done. Before I planed to do this project on my own but after running like 3 websites by myself I think I would want some help.

I know I am going on and on and have not got to the project yet so lets do that now.

I like making tutorials and my old gaming site had like 5 tutorials in real video (not images put into a video) and like 2 done in html. That was only that site. So my project idea is to make a tutorial website. Thing is I want to host other people tutorials not just my own with there permission of course. So I want to start with Paint.NET.

Why is this a good idea?

This is a good idea because I have more then enough resources to host peoples tutorials. I got unlimited space, 2,000 GB (2TB) transfer, 16 IP's, unlimited database's, unlimited pop3 and stmp e-mail accounts, and unlimited sub domains. With all of that I could host everyone tutorials. It also better because if you look at some of the tutorials there missing image and stuff because they used to be hosted on free web space sites.

So what am I looking for.

Website Designers

Graphic Designers

People to help get tutorials and to look at sumitted tutorials.

and anything else I may have miss or you think would be good.

Let me know if your interested in helping in this project.

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I'm interested. Very. Very. Interested.

Seriously, I am. I may post a link to it on my *under development* website. You should look for some good templates. The best free templates I could find.

Since it matches with the subject:

I actually think that there should be a tut pdf installed into PDN. For the people who have dialup (or a messed up connection). We should have less than 10 and let the less useful ones stay on the forum.

"The greatest thing about the Internet is that you can write anything you want and give it a false source." ~Ezra Pound

twtr | dA | tmblr | yt | fb

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I'm interested. Very. Very. Interested.

Seriously, I am. I may post a link to it on my *under development* website. You should look for some good templates. The best free templates I could find.

Since it matches with the subject:

I actually think that there should be a tut pdf installed into PDN. For the people who have dialup (or a messed up connection). We should have less than 10 and let the less useful ones stay on the forum.

Good to hear that your interested. I was hoping to get the template made and coded as I found with download templates it hard to do code work when deal with someone else's code. I can do html and I doc my code to keep it simple for others.

As for the pdf file, that is a good idea. We could have a html tut file or a tut file in the form of a help doc that can be download to a users computer. Then we could have an update button in the file so that a user could update the tut file when changes have been made.

So what part are you interested in doing ?

PS: This site will be under it's own domain and not a sub domain of one of my other websites.

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Cool ones.

I would do some graphics. I want to get Adobe Flash sometime, so flash may be an option. Hostrs.com has free domain names (no sub-domain) at (unfortunately) 300 MB. The website I'm trying to create is with 110MB.com (they give you 2000mb)

"The greatest thing about the Internet is that you can write anything you want and give it a false source." ~Ezra Pound

twtr | dA | tmblr | yt | fb

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I know this is a dumb question, but what kind of graphics would you need?

Ones for logo's, button, the site design, right up to other things. See I don't think of my self as having skills in graphics (I know sound dumb right seeing I like Paint.NET). Well I do like to play with images and I may not be skilled at making graphics I have made some that were not bad at all. But all in all I like to leave that in the hands of people who do have skill in graphics.

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Cool ones.

I would do some graphics. I want to get Adobe Flash sometime, so flash may be an option. Hostrs.com has free domain names (no sub-domain) at (unfortunately) 300 MB. The website I'm trying to create is with 110MB.com (they give you 2000mb)

Domain names is not a problem nor is space. I get 5 free domain name for life with my hosting plan and they can be any of the domain exts (eg: .com, .net, .org, .info, .us, ect). As for space, well in my 1st post I gave you my hosting plan info.

So what part did you want to help with ?

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I'd be interested in participating. I actually have plans of my own, as a side project to enhance my PHP skillz, to create a custom CMS to manage and edit tutorials, upload and insert images, all that stuff, after I complete the move to cmdsketchpad.com. I'm not sure when that will be ready to open to the public as a tutorial hosting site, so in the mean time, I'd be happy to help with this one!

I'm a website and graphic designer by trade, and I'm skilled in image editing, HTML coding (yes, I know it's not real "code," but "marking-up" doesn't really roll off the tongue...), and CSS skinning. I'd be happy to help with the design of the HTML to allow flexibility for CSS skinning (if required), making different skins for the site, and contributing new tutorials when I have them.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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I've quite good XHTML / CSS skills too, but not so much time.

Feel free to ask me to do some "markup review" here and there, made a couple of css sheets, or discuss semantics.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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I was hoping you would be Dan as I do like your work with html, css, and tutorials. I don't have much time to talk about this right now but I like to here your ideas on how you think the design show be done. So far I am looking at something that does not look to complex or to basic to the users eye. I also think that some of the tutorial page will be different then looking like the site. (Mine most likey as I like to do them as html projects)

So shoot me som ideas and plans. I will be setting up the domain to night for the site and FTP later.

PS: Do you have a mic ?

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Ok the tutorial site domain is dextut.com

Dan I still waiting for your ideas on layout and anyone else's. Also need to think of a logo for dextut. This site will host other tutorials as well but for Paint.NET I am going to make it have it's own sub-domain. So if you want to do a layout that is subject to Paint.NET it will not be a problem as the sub-domain will act as a site on it own.

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^ you should have gotten a host with bigger ad's.. haha, you should have asked me! I know some good places to get some nice webhosting...

You should look at there plans and see I am on the Unlimited Plan. Tell me who gives you unlimited space, unlimited sub-domains, unlimited SQL databases, unlimited E-Mails, 16 IP's, 5 Free domain names, 24/7 tech support by phone for free. ect... for less then $13.00 /mo.

As for the ad's I put them up because I like my host and made myself an affiliate.

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Is the Dex in DexTut short for anything. I assume Tut is for tutorials, but I'm lost as far as Dex is concerned.

Otherwise, I could see creating some mascot like character and naming it Dex to give it personality.

As far as the layout is concerned, I'll put some ideas together this weekend for you to look at. I'll post 'em here on Monday.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Is the Dex in DexTut short for anything. I assume Tut is for tutorials, but I'm lost as far as Dex is concerned.

Otherwise, I could see creating some mascot like character and naming it Dex to give it personality.

As far as the layout is concerned, I'll put some ideas together this weekend for you to look at. I'll post 'em here on Monday.

thanks Dan.

No the dex is not for Dexter :lol:. A long time ago like I was saying in the 1st post. I had this plan to make a tutorial site and called it Dextut. Because I wanted to keep this site open to all tutorials I needed a name that was unique to users and was not base on one app or program. At the time I started to do a site layout and a cartoon computer with eyes and a mouth. Yes the cartoon computer was Dex the mascot for the site to be. Why a talking computer for a mascot ? Well like I told you I suck that drawing and making images even though I like to play with then and try to make good looking images. So it was not to hard to make a box lol :lol:.

If you like to make a mascot named Dex I be more then happy to see what you come up with. I think some people here would like to do that for fun.

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