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Realistic looking fangs and mouth dripping blood?

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Hi there,

(I think I had asked a similar question sometime ago...couldn't find it in my archives but if I did I apologize :tardII: )


I am making another actor into a vampire :P: How do I create blood dripping out of the corners of my subjects mouth that looks real?




Fangs; My subjects mouth is closed how do I make them look real without making them look cartoonish? Hmmmm, the fangs I think I just need to play around with the lighting and shading but when it comes to drawing talent I am still a puppy.


Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated :imhappehtoo:  

Thank You

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Thanks I appreciate it.....the downside to the tutorial you recommended is that my actors mouth is closed and the models in the tutorial have their mouths wide open showing plenty of teeth to work with. Its going to be interesting to try to figure out how to draw in the fangs on my actor.

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I've not done this before, but maybe copy a tooth from somewhere, make it pointy then, keeping it on its own layer,  size it down to the mouth you're working on. Duplicate the tooth, flip it over and set that one in place. You will have to erase some of the base of the tooth to make it look more natural. And shade them slightly under the lip.


Hope that doesn't sound to simplistic to you. :P




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Fangs don't look real if they stick out of your mouth when your mouth is closed. Think about the location of your teeth vs the location of your lips. You would need one heck of an overbite to get fangs to sit naturally over your bottom lip. In short, making fangs stick out of a closed mouth will always look cartoony.

Edited by pdnnoob

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Hello Kelly,

I had a try when you originally posted but tended to agree with Pdnnoob about having to remodel the upper jaw to allow for the overbite.

Here's my very crude attempt - I used clipwarp to get some reflections in the blood and Liquify to alter the (my) mouth outline. Hope it helps a bit!


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