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Paint.net, In the future?

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How far is Rick going to go with Paint.NET? There are many many things that can be done, with some(TONS) of coding, that can make this program so much better in the future...

I was wondering when if ever, people are going to start making Filter plug-inn's and when is Rick going to start adding them to the release builds..?I know i'm really jumping ahead, but I think Paint.NET with Filters, would be better than Photoshop, hands down...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rick: Do you plan to develop Paint.NET to a more professional software like photoshop?

I don't know. I tend not to plan too far ahead. It keeps the stress nice and low.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Rick, do you get funding from microsoft?

This has probably been asked before, but why not ask to have MS paint be replaced with Paint.NET?

It would force people to have the .NET software, which would help microsoft, or the .NET people, and it could increase funding, and you could hire more developers.

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Rick, do you get funding from microsoft?

This has probably been asked before, but why not ask to have MS paint be replaced with Paint.NET?

It would force people to have the .NET software, which would help microsoft, or the .NET people, and it could increase funding, and you could hire more developers.

Will Paint.NET ever replace Paint in Windows?

There are no plans to include Paint.NET with Windows. But you can always download it for free from our website. Honestly, it's better that Paint.NET is not integrated in to Windows, because that let's us keep our own design and agenda for everything.

You should've read the FAQ by now...

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