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Photo Booth "Colored Pencil"

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At work we have Apple Computers with this program called Photo Booth. On Photo Booth there is this feature that adds a effect called Colored Pencil. I think that would really set Paint.net ahead of the others because I know there are other people that seen it before and liked it. If someone knows where I can download a plugin for paint.net that would do that or if someone would create an effect for that. I think that would be really neat.



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Something like this. I have no idea why they call it Colored Pencil, it looks absolutely NOTHING like a pencil sketch.

Anyway, you may want to play with Brightness/Contrast in the Adjustments menu, and Motion Blur in Effects > Blurs.

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Rick Brewster, the creator of Paint.NET, believes that updating the Windows version is a lot more productive than coding a Mac/Linux version of it. Mainly because it requires an entirely new source code. Your bet is using BootCamp and installing Paint.NET on your Windows partition.

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Why is it never gonna happen?

I'm one person. I can only do so much.

Give me $500,000 USD so I can hire a few competent developers dedicated full-time to the Mac port for 1 year.

I think you'll agree that $80 for a copy of Parallels is a bargain!

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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