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Looking For A Plugin To Make Eye's Glow

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Since the previous thread was closed without the help i needed. I will post it again. By this chance, perhaps the title will fit so that the admin doesn't get a fire under his rear.

As i said before, i don't know what plugin to look for, nor do i know what to name the damn thread. So cool off, and give me a break.

I'm looking for a plugin that will allow me to generate a demonic glow, and add it to a surface on a picture.

For instance adding a demonic looking eye to a anime or real persons picture.

By chance someone knows which plugin would be useful, submit the link to me here. It would be appreciated.

And don't ask me to look through all the plugins on the list page. I've looked, and don't see anything that would help me do what is desired.

Good enough for you bolt?

Edit: I also edited the title due to having a caps lock fetish. When i make a title if all the words aren't caps i go nuts. So mines better. -_-

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Mods aren't real bad here they just like us to keep the titles descriptive that allows better searching for everyone.

now as to the plug in. not sure what you are after. if you know how to use photobucket to load an example here please do. It might just be a simple few steps and not a plugin. but for now I'm totally not sure what you are after.

ciao I'll check back later in the mean time could you Look at the evil in the night in my gallery pg 1 the eyes of the skull something like that what you are after?

its in several layers.


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I've seen an example on another site before but i forgot the damn sites name.

I guess i can attempt at giving a verbal(textal) description until i find a actual picture.

You've seen how some robots on movies make their eyes glow when their activating?

Or how a demon from a anime show has red glowing eyes? Thats what i'm looking for.

P.S. The title has been changed.

EDIT: I remember a example. The plugin i had found for it before, was to make supernovas.

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Eyes a bit like this? viewtopic.php?p=223439#p223439

Try a transparent gradient ( :AlphaChannel: not :AllColorChannels:) on a new layer. Use the radial gradient option :RadialGradient: and click the mouse over the eye centre. Drag the mouse to control the size.

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Eyes a bit like this? viewtopic.php?p=223439#p223439

Try a transparent gradient ( :AlphaChannel: not :AllColorChannels:) on a new layer. Use the radial gradient option :RadialGradient: and click the mouse over the eye centre. Drag the mouse to control the size.

No not at all like that.

The idea I'm talking about, is taking a small supernova glare, and placing it on the eyes.

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Eyes a bit like this? viewtopic.php?p=223439#p223439

Try a transparent gradient ( :AlphaChannel: not :AllColorChannels:) on a new layer. Use the radial gradient option :RadialGradient: and click the mouse over the eye centre. Drag the mouse to control the size.

Why are you using :AlphaChannel: ?

:AllColorChannels: works better in this case. :?:

Show me what you mean if I misunderstood you.


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Why are you using :AlphaChannel: ?

:AllColorChannels: works better in this case. :?:

Show me what you mean if I misunderstood you.

No you're absolutely right Ash. I got it wrong about where the transparency should be (secondary color and not transparent mode) :oops:

Embarassment is the price I pay for trusting my memory when I don't have PDN in front of me. :wink:

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