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How do I preserve the Transparency when saving bottom layer as blend mode multiply as a PNG?

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I'm using multiply blend mode to make my image semi-transparent as the bottom layer. When I try merge all the layers down from the bottom two first or use Ctrl + Shift + F to flatten the image to save as PNG it loses all transparency.

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Hello @bellaxx331 and welcome to the forum :)


Perhaps give this a try - merge the second-to-lowest layer into the lowest layer, then use Ctrl + Shift + F.


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Thanks for the welcome!

It still doesn't work, when I merge the 'multiply' layer loses all transparency. I'm trying to keep the mesh like fabric top layer transparent when I merge down.

If you have any solutions to this problem, it would mean a lot thanks!


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Can you upload your PDN so I can play with it. 


Also, it's important how you merge the layers, please see this post:  https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/28293-merging-layers-down-with-different-blending-modes/?do=findComment&comment=408392


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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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On 7/20/2024 at 6:03 AM, bellaxx331 said:

I'm using multiply blend mode to make my image semi-transparent as the bottom layer.


What exactly does that mean? The Multiply blend mode, or any other blend mode, doesn't make things transparent. Transparency is controlled by the alpha channel. If the bottom layer is opaque, flattening the image will result in an image without any transparency, no matter what the blend mode. In fact, changing the blend mode of the lowest layer has no effect if the layer is opaque, since there's nothing to blend to. (I'm pretty sure that's also true for non-opaque lowest layers, but I don't want to bother thinking it through.)


UPDATE: Perhaps I know what you mean, but I suspect you expect the layer blending to work differently than it does. If you have a light blue layer with Multiply mode, it's sort of like it's transparent -- like tinted glass. If you put a layer below it, it shows through, shaded light blue. If you have a layer above the Multiply layer, and merge the two layers, the resulting layer will have the Multiply blend mode. But other than that, the blending is the same as would occur if the lower layer had the Normal blend mode. You may think merging layers should result in a layer that blends with the layers below in a way that allows the image to be unchanged from what it was before merging them; but unfortunately, that's not possible. The only thing that's preserved is the lower layer's blending mode. (If you flatten an image, the single resulting layer's blend mode is always Normal.)

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1 hour ago, bellaxx331 said:

I've saved the PDN successfully semi-transparent before I just forgot how to do it again for my other work.


You probably used actual transparency (the alpha channel) instead of trying to use a blend mode. There's absolutely no way to save transparency in a PNG file by using blend modes.

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No, this is possible, and actually quite easy.


First, you need to separate the gradient and the hex grid to separate layers.


Apply a linear gradient across the background layer with the Transparency mode active.




If you want the pattern to fade as well as the background color, drag out another transparent gradient on the layer that has the pattern.


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