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glitch or somthing

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Hello World
So yesterday I made a map of Europe with colors, and now the problem was: when I opened it the next day, 
there were many more pixels in a different color
This has already happened 2 times or something i cant show a picture from som reason so i will try my best you can imagine it:

first it was all white

then next day it was rose,grey, black...

so you get it

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5 hours ago, ridderbeo said:

so you get it


Well, not exactly - because it could be so many things and many of us would not be able to help unless you showed us a before and after shot.


1.  Did you use layers to add the colors, or did you add the colors straight onto the map?


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Is it possible there is a color profile attached to the image? In other words, did you create the image from a blank canvas or did you start with a download?

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