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[Question] Making maps with inner borders

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Hello! I wouldn't say I'm a new user but I don't know all that much about paint.NET.


Here's my issue: For an ongoing project of mine I am currently making a map. I want to make subdivisions of my nation and had an idea to make the map with darker, size 2 outlines and the rest of the map in a lighter color. Now, that bordering is also meant to go around the coasts, which will make it gigantic, and therein lies the problem. Is there an easy way to do what I am explaining without spending the next 5 years of my life on this map?



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If I understand your request correctly, try this:

  1. Draw in the regional divisions.
  2. Copy one region using the Magic Wand
  3. Paste the region into a new layer with Ctrl + Shift + V
  4. Color the region if desired
  5. Run @Red ochre's Object Edge (link) on the new layer (gives it a nice shaded edge).
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for the other regions



For the coastal outline, merge all layers then select the ocean with the magic wand tool. Run Selection > Inner Contour (link) to give yourself some coast enhancement in a nice sea-worthy blue. Final step is to erase the bits where the edges of the map don't need the extra blue edging (see below right map edge).



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If you're not wedded to the shape in your posted map, my unreleased Relief Map Generator plugin might be worth a look.



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17 hours ago, Ego Eram Reputo said:

If I understand your request correctly, try this:

  1. Draw in the regional divisions.
  2. Copy one region using the Magic Wand
  3. Paste the region into a new layer with Ctrl + Shift + V
  4. Color the region if desired
  5. Run @Red ochre's Object Edge (link) on the new layer (gives it a nice shaded edge).
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for the other regions



For the coastal outline, merge all layers then select the ocean with the magic wand tool. Run Selection > Inner Contour (link) to give yourself some coast enhancement in a nice sea-worthy blue. Final step is to erase the bits where the edges of the map don't need the extra blue edging (see below right map edge).



How do I download the Inner Contour plugin? It seems closer to what I want, but the interface is... chaotic.

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1 hour ago, rykko20 said:

How do I download the Inner Contour plugin?


1. Download the Zip at the bottom of the first page of the link that @Ego Eram Reputo gave you.

2. Put all of the .dlls into the paint.net Effects Folder.

3. Put the .pdb into the main paint.net Folder.

4. Restart paint.net.

5. Select sea area and then run the Plugin.

6. Be sure to move the "Width" before you see a line.

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