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How to remove white distortions from background of sine waves

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I have an image of an increasing sine wave. I cannot determine where I got it from (e.g. Internet, made it, etc). The problem is that the background is not completely white (as can see when I Flood it with Purple, tolerance 6%). When I convert from PPT to PDF, those none white issues cause excess noise. I'd like everything not part of the line to be truly white. How do I do this?


I've tried a Paint Bucket, Flood Mode, Overwrite, Color White with complete transparency, tolerance 13%, but then the line gets thinner. I'm not sure if there is a Recolor option either. 


Any suggestions so I can just get a nice clean wave without anything in the background?



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Hello @IoNoTialI and welcome :)


You could try using AA's Assistant, but it may affect the size of the wave.


Try drawing a straight line on a new layer, the use @MadJik's Waves Plugin


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Hi @IoNoTialI

Welcome to the forum.

The issue is you are dealing with an anti-alias line.

Try the following steps to achieve your desired result

Magic wand - global - 20% - Primary color black

Select the darkest pixel in the sin wave.

As you will see, it does not capture all the colored pixels.

Keep selecting until you have at least half the pixels are selected.

Keep selection alive and add new layer. Press backspace to fill with black.

Add new layer and fill with red and place below black filled layer to see result.

Let us know if this works for you :)



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This seems to work well.


Remove the white from the original image using the Kill Color Keeper plugin, set to Kill white.


Duplicate the resulting blue line layer and turn the bottom layer's line white using the Silhouette Plus plugin. 


Merge layers.

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So I am not sure where I found this wave or how I made it. But I did find MadJik's sine wave plugin on my computer, though it seems to be a few weeks AFTER the version slide deck had this wave. Also, with that plugin, I can't seem to make sine waves of different frequency as I show here.


I will try out some of the other tactics and see what I get.

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