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  1. Thanks. Using the Kill Color Keeper and Silhouette Plus worked. Not sure I completely understood what I did, but it works.
  2. So I am not sure where I found this wave or how I made it. But I did find MadJik's sine wave plugin on my computer, though it seems to be a few weeks AFTER the version slide deck had this wave. Also, with that plugin, I can't seem to make sine waves of different frequency as I show here. I will try out some of the other tactics and see what I get.
  3. I have an image of an increasing sine wave. I cannot determine where I got it from (e.g. Internet, made it, etc). The problem is that the background is not completely white (as can see when I Flood it with Purple, tolerance 6%). When I convert from PPT to PDF, those none white issues cause excess noise. I'd like everything not part of the line to be truly white. How do I do this? I've tried a Paint Bucket, Flood Mode, Overwrite, Color White with complete transparency, tolerance 13%, but then the line gets thinner. I'm not sure if there is a Recolor option either. Any suggestions so I can just get a nice clean wave without anything in the background?
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