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Fluent paint.net icon

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I like these! Great job @wojti.j

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9 hours ago, wojti.j said:

Microsoft's fluent icons


I remember making one of these before... can't find it though.


EDIT: Found it...




From here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/113241-new-paintnet-logo/?do=findComment&comment=568662


Edited by BoltBait
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Not bad. Thank you.


Here's the Taskbar shortcut with the custom icon:




Note to others interested: It seems the Windows 10 Taskbar uses the "wrong" icon size. It chooses the 32x32 icon size, and then downsizes it to 24x24.

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(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Didn't see this thread until I posted mine but it would be great if the Store version of the app was updated with this new icon, you cant change icons for store-installed apps at all and paint.net is looking a bit out of place with the new design language MS are using now.

I've gotta have a pretty task bar and start menu!

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