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Udemy Course - Hands On Examples


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Hi folks, I've been using Paint.NET for quite a while and absolutely love it. I've always been surprised at how many people shy away from trying their hand at content creation or editing images when it's so fun, free, and can be quite easy. I decided to build a Udemy.com course to try and encourage people and teach them the ins and outs of Paint.NET. It covers everything from installation and all the various tools, to smart layering and effects/adjustments usage. And later in the course we walk through a variety of examples from start to finish. The entire course is hands on demonstration and a total of 4 hours which you can watch/learn at your own pace 5-15 minutes at a time. I hope you find it useful!


$9.99 Coupon:




   Jared Gaul

Edited by JHG
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I hear ya, free is always better, of course. I spent a loooot of time trying to thoroughly cover the 4 hours worth of topics with decent HD video/audio. I felt it was worth something. I apologize if you feel misled by the post, I PM'd ya something. 

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Thanks for the heads up, clearly I need to catch up on some sleep. :)


I totally get it, and even though I'm not a newbie with paint.net I obviously am to the forums. Thanks for understanding. I hadn't noticed anything mentioned about free vs paid content in the guidelines but perhaps I missed it. Regardless, I don't want to muddy up the free nature of this category if that's preferred. Any suggestions for a more appropriate location?

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I think the ADMIN on here will decide whether to leave your post up @JHG.  But, there is this Rule:


23) ADVERTISING and SOLICITING are strictly prohibited. This is NOT a place to find artists or developers, either for hire or for volunteer/free. This is NOT the place to advertise your product, company, or community. If you want, you may include a few links in your signature as long as they are small and unobtrusive. See Ash's signature for an example of what is tasteful and acceptable: http://www.getpaint.net/misc/ash_sig.png


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/8/2018 at 1:34 PM, welshblue said:

After finally graduating ... (never said that before)

I can see how this would be extremely useful to the new user.  Nice layout to the categories. Well presented and informative to all the basic functions of  PDN use. 

(As in no plugins)


The question of this over @Ego Eram Reputo's eBook ? 

That would be down to what the person wants to spend and what media they like to learn from.

Personally I think they'd go well together in tandem


Would I recommend it ?  I would to people just starting out afresh

Is it value for money ?  That's for the end consumer to decide.  But then I'm tight.  I won't spend in Costa coffee when I can buy a decent jar for the same price



Thanks for the followup @welshblue as well as the feedback! Really appreciate it. :)

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  • 4 years later...
1 hour ago, Akoppa said:

Who guaranties this Udemy Paint.net a good reliable course?


The "30-Day Money-Back Guarantee" shown on the course is Udemy's standard 30-day refund policy.




56 people have rated it, and the average rating is 4.7/5.0

Seems like a good indicator.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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