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paint.net 4.1.1 is now available!

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This is a hotfix for version 4.1 that fixes a few small bugs, reinstates some keyboard shortcuts, and adds 2 new languages.


If you’re using the Windows Store release, you should get the update automatically within the next few days.


For the Classic release, you can use the built-in updater by going to ⚙ Settings → Updates → Check Now. You can also download it directly from the website.


Thanks to @toe_head2001, @ReMake, and @Dandelion Sprout for helping out on this release!



  • New: Ukranian translation (thanks @ReMake!)
  • New: Norwegian translation (thanks @Dandelion Sprout!)
  • Fixed a bug in the IndirectUI color wheel control where it wouldn't pick up the correct value for the alpha slider
  • Fixed a crash with the new Shapes that would sometimes occur because the resources file wasn't updated yet (probably due to a "you have to reboot" dialog at the end of updating that was ignored)
  • Reinstated the shortcut keys for the Adjustments menu, as this was a very unpopular change
  • Improved: IndirectUI angle chooser control now supports the UpDownIncrement property (thanks @toe_head2001!)



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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Also, for the Store version, I would like to add that you can force the new version to install:


1. Open the Microsoft Store app

2. Click on the "..." button at the top right, then click "Downloads and Updates"




3. Click on big blue "Get updates" button




And, voila. You'll see something like this if it worked:






The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Many thanks for the update, Rick.  I am using PDN with Parallel, and I noticed the performance is noticeably faster than predecessor.


In reading the thread about the color picker (inside Troubleshoot & Bug Report sub forum), I was wondering if it is possible for a future release to allow the paint brush and gradient to use left-click to set primary and right-click to set secondary colors?




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3 minutes ago, welshblue said:

Unsure whether this is a plugin issue or a PDN itself issue


This bug was introduced in the latest build of Paint.NET.  Sorry about that.


I have already submitted a code fix for it in the official source code repository.  It will be fixed in the next release of Paint.NET.


I'm not sure what Rick's time table is for the next release, but it shouldn't be too long.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really hate to complain, but I kind of can't avoid it here: this latest version has borked layers completely.  I work with a number of images with a huge number of layers (ie. well over 100), and now the program lags atrociously the moment I do anything with them.  If I turn a layer on or off, the program takes almost 5 seconds to register it, and that lag grows to almost 20 seconds if I'm enabling or disabling multiple layers at once.  Just scrolling through the list of layers causes it to hiccup, and if I try to use the mouse's scroll wheel, it's completely untenable as it jerks through the list at seemingly random intervals every 3 to 6 seconds.  I don't know what changed to cause this, but I would be very happy if the next version fixed it.

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59 minutes ago, Sky_Render said:

and now the program lags atrociously


You can help Rick track down the cause of lags, by submitting a performance trace:




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There shouldn't have been any changes to cause that, but like @BoltBait pointed out, a performance trace and maybe a video will help immensely for me to figure it out.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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