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How to select a triangular shape?

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Hello and Welcome to the forum.  To select can mean that you highlight the layer you are on, or, to surround an image with the selection tool in order to re-size or move it.  Here is an example.




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Sorry, I was unclear.


I want to select a triangular area of the background layer, flip it horizontally, and then paste it in a different place on the background.


Drydareelin, seems to me that you would want to rotate the second square 45 degrees to do what you suggest.





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There's no simple solution, like for a rectangle or circle. Here's one method you might try:


Add a new layer.

Using the Line/Curve Tool, draw three lines, whose interior area is the triangle you want. You don't need to have the lines match at the corners, to form the triangle. Extend the lines beyond that, so they overlap. That's considerably easier.


Use the Magic Wand to select the interior triangular region.

Delete the added layer, and activate the layer you want (if it's not already the active layer).


If you want an isosceles or right triangle, you can use the Shapes Tool to draw the triangle on the added layer.

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4 hours ago, MJW said:

There's no simple solution, like for a rectangle or circle. Here's one method you might try:


Add a new layer.

Using the Line/Curve Tool, draw three lines, whose interior area is the triangle you want. You don't need to have the lines match at the corners, to form the triangle. Extend the lines beyond that, so they overlap. That's considerably easier.


Use the Magic Wand to select the interior triangular region.

Delete the added layer, and activate the layer you want (if it's not already the active layer).


If you want an isosceles or right triangle, you can use the Shapes Tool to draw the triangle on the added layer.

That's pretty convoluted but i guess it would work! I got round the issue another way. Is this something someone might write a plug-in for?



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2 minutes ago, Mick Berg said:

That's pretty convoluted but i guess it would work!


I don't find it convoluted for something that's rarely done. It can all be done in a few seconds.


3 minutes ago, Mick Berg said:

Is this something someone might write a plug-in for?


Plugins can't make or modify selections.




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