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Everything posted by DrewDale

  1. --------------------------------------------------- The theme this time round is - High Heel Shoe And was chosen by – lynxster4 (OOTF #20 Winner) As the topic states, design & create your own High heel shoe, Any style you like, open or closed toe (one only, no pairs) The deadline for entries is on Sunday 8th April at 7PM (UK Time) (To see how that equates to other countries, here’s a link to the World Clock. ) Good luck one and all, thanks in advance for entering. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Competition Rules: Your entry must not have a background/backdrop/scene; just the object on a transparent canvas. (Shadows and reflections are fine) Your entry must be made using paint.net only. The use of stock images or photos is prohibited. Maximum dimensions are 600 X 600. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline. You may post up to three entries. (Please make a separate post for each) You may link to alternative versions, but they will not be part of your entry. This thread is for posting competition entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, or ask a question regarding the competition, you may do so in the discussion thread Found Here Thanks to @toe_head2001 for launching and hosting this competition in the past. Previous comps have included the following topics Here
  2. The winners are: First place is @lynxster4 with 10 votes Second place is @MadJik with 8 votes Third place is @welshblue with 7 votes. Well done to all placers and all who entered & voted. I will PM the winner and set up the next comp soon
  3. Poll will close at 6PM (UK time) on Sunday March 18. (To see how that equates to other countries, here’s a link to the World Clock. )
  4. Well done all winners and placers, top class entries from all. Well done also @lynxster4 on your smooth running if the comp
  5. Let's try this again. --------------------------------------------------- The theme this time round is - Pencil And was chosen by – The Host. As the topic states, design & create your own Pencil It can be any Pencil you like, A retractable metal one, a conventional wooden one, personalised or plain. The deadline for entries is on Monday 12th March at 7PM (UK Time) (To see how that equates to other countries, here’s a link to the World Clock. ) Good luck one and all, thanks in advance for entering. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Competition Rules: Your entry must not have a background/backdrop/scene; just the object on a transparent canvas. (Shadows and reflections are fine) Your entry must be made using paint.net only. The use of stock images or photos is prohibited. Maximum dimensions are 600 X 600. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline. You may post up to three entries. (Please make a separate post for each) You may link to alternative versions, but they will not be part of your entry. This thread is for posting competition entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, or ask a question regarding the competition, you may do so in the discussion thread Found Here Thanks to @toe_head2001 for launching and hosting this competition in the past. Previous comps have included the following topics Here
  6. I vote for @LionsDragon to be the host. I'm sick to the back teeth of this comp before it even gets going again.
  7. Fair enough, please let someone else pick the topic,. I was asked by @Pixey to think of one, and off the top of my head it was all that I could think of! My 2 cents also. I wish I had never begun hosting this comp now.
  8. --------------------------------------------------- The theme this time round is - Radio And was chosen by – The Host. As the topic states, design & create your own Radio. It can be any Radio you like (home, car or portable) The deadline for entries is on Sunday 4th March at 7PM (UK Time) (To see how that equates to other countries, here’s a link to the World Clock. ) Good luck one and all, thanks in advance for entering. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Competition Rules: Your entry must not have a background/backdrop/scene; just the object on a transparent canvas. (Shadows and reflections are fine) Your entry must be made using paint.net only. The use of stock images or photos is prohibited. Maximum dimensions are 600 X 600. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline. You may post up to three entries. (Please make a separate post for each) You may link to alternative versions, but they will not be part of your entry. This thread is for posting competition entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, or ask a question regarding the competition, you may do so in the discussion thread Found Here Thanks to @toe_head2001 for launching and hosting this competition in the past. Previous comps have included the following topics Here
  9. I will have to hold out until Monday regardless. I'm currently switching Internet provider and can only access the web on a phone.
  10. Only one entry so far in the tennis racket OOF. Will see how it goes up to the deadline and will extend it if needed.
  11. --------------------------------------------------- The theme this time round is - Tennis Racket And was chosen by - Pixey (OOTF #18 Winner) As the topic states, design & create your own Tennis Racket. The deadline for entries is on - Monday 26th February at - 7PM (UK Time) (To see how that equates to other countries, here’s a link to the World Clock. ) Good luck one and all, thanks in advance for entering. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Competition Rules Your entry must not have a background/backdrop/scene; just the object on a transparent canvas. (Shadows and reflections are fine) Your entry must be made using paint.net only. The use of stock images or photos is prohibited. Maximum dimensions are 600 X 600. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline. You may post up to three entries. (Please make a separate post for each) You may link to alternative versions, but they will not be part of your entry. This thread is for posting competition entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, or ask a question regarding the competition, you may do so in the discussion thread Found Here Thanks to @toe_head2001 for launching and hosting this competition in the past. Previous comps have included the following topics Here
  12. Very impressive entries from everyone. I will be the future host of this comp and have contacted the winner. I will launch the next one as soon as I have the topic. Thanks to @toe_head2001 for hosting previously
  13. Well done to all placers and entrants. Top class work from all involved. Many thanks @Pixey for your hosting duties and good luck @lynxster4 for the future hosting
  14. Indeed, updated Today, thanks for the continued good work Rick
  15. I uninstalled the one in Add/Remove programs and the store version is working OK. Just remember to copy/paste your effects, file types and shapes to the self made folder mentioned in the first post Rick made.
  16. I will move them then, thanks. Almost sure Martin Osaka & Null54 have some plugins that require the above mentioned files to be placed in the directory.
  17. Well at the moment they reside in program files paint.net directory and are used for some plugins, when I uninstall paint.net 4.0.17 these will obviously also uninstall. Is there a location they need to be copied to ?
  18. Sorry also, what about the option based library 'dlls and .dlc's used by some plugins. ? Also, will removing the previous (none store) version from add/remove programs interfere with the store version ?
  19. Do we keep the paint.net user files folder (where we store our brushes etc) separate from the paint.net app files folder ?
  20. Keep yourselves safe @Pixey I have to admit I would need a year's supply of nappies, if that kind of wind speed was going to barrel down on me.
  21. Another sadly missed contributor to the forum @yellowman
  22. Well done to all placers, top class entries from all involved, thanks again @Pixey for holding the fort. Hope to be fully active again real soon
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