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Everything posted by DrewDale

  1. The deadline for entries is here and it’s now time to cast your votes. We have 10 entries this week, you may vote for 5. The poll closes at 9PM (UK Time) on Sunday 30 June. To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World TimeGood luck one and all
  2. you have posted in the wrong place again - this should be in discussions and questions. In the other thread that you posted (gold frames) I gave you the hex for all the colours you asked about. Here is the codes again - Silver - C0C0C0 Emerald - 50C878 Ruby - EO115F hope this helps
  3. Well done on the gallery entry Red ochre, truly a remarkable work, very realistic
  4. Nice new shapes. After a quick play I found that by just selecting the edge of the star (leaving the gradient intact) I ran Object edge & clipwarp to create this
  5. Candyland dream is top work Helen, it looks good enough to eat. A real happy image.
  6. I take full blame for being super efficient
  7. You will find many tutorials on text HERE you don't have to follow them to the letter, think outside of the box and make something unique from one of them.
  8. Thanks Oceana - I do like to mix and match what I create, that way I can learn about more plugins and how they work together - you should start a gallery, even if it is only a few things to start with (sigs, larger versions of comp entries) As long as your happy with your work, go for it Thanks Barbieq - I am pleased with the line tracer and poster images, hit and miss with both plugins depending on the shade / tone of the picture, but great results can be had. The flower was another happy stumble upon image using the beta paths (peephole) plugin from Midora. I created one petal and then just copy / pasted / moved until I had the flower head, I was going to create a stem for it too, but thought it looked good as it was. I'm inspired by others on here, I'm happy that you find my doodles inspirational. By the way - encouraging someone to make a gallery is not spam
  9. good question Doughty, I just copy pasted the brief from a PM off EER.
  10. The theme this week is – Dwelling And has been chosen by – Ego Eram Reputo This week’s topic invites you to create a sig based on the design of a home. It could be a mansion, tree house, cave, mobile home/trailer, eco-friendly or carbon hole. Where would you like to live? The deadline for entries is 9:00pm (UK Time) on Sunday 23 June. To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time Competition rules. 1. Max sig dimensions 500x200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500x150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your sig. 2. Please keep your sig family friendly. 3. Keep to the theme that has been set. 4. Modifying or replacing your sig is not permitted after submitting your entry. 5. Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous. 6. Your entry must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition. Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering. Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler and Nitenurse79 for keeping this comp going in the past. This thread is for posting your entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found here..
  11. The voting deadline has arived... And it is now that time again to announce the winners. The clear winner with 17 votes is Ego Eram Reputo Joint Second place is Yellowman & Helen with 13 votes each. Third place with 12 votes goes to Lloyd and seeing how we have so many entries, sharing a joint fourth placing is - Minners 71 and Skullbonz with 11 votes each. Great entries again from all involved, a great topic from Welshblue - well done to the winner and runner's up. Thanks also go to the voters and supporters. I will send a PM to EER and will launch the next comp once we have the topic for sotw#84 Thanks again everyone - Very impressed at the turn out this week.
  12. Congrats to Welshblue Barbieq yellowman Helen and drydareelin Top entries all round, great comp. Cheers to Daniels for hosting
  13. Nice tip Mate, never thought of using radial / transparent, I always have a 'hit and miss' with linear. (enjoy a rep for that sir)
  14. Cheers Nitenurse - I have just been informed by my son that I look like 'Big Vern' from Viz comic.
  15. You can't beat testing out a new plugin, even in development. Nice square path example too very impressed indeed
  16. Cheers for the visit Nitenurse, I have been a little lazy in creating, but now with some new plugins to play around with, I feel creative again. Thanks Helen and Daniels - TechnoRobbo has been making some cool plugins this week. I love how the tracer works, I plan on using it on a duplicate image and then use blend modes plus to see what I can come up with
  17. A really good start to your gallery, some very detailed work gone into your cogs, Nice bass clef and a cool sig too Welcome indeed.
  18. Really liking the gradient option and all the other goddies too. Nice one
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