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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. @FieryFighter Since you mentioned StreamLabs OBS here is a link on how to use it to do video screen captures:
  2. Greetings, This is one solution for your request: 1. Use the information from this thread to produce a close to 2bit (black & White) map as you can. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/114129-clean-manga/ 2. Use the Black and Alpha+ plugin or just select White to be transparent with the Grim Color Reaper plugin Black and Alpha+ Grim Color Reaper 3. Create a new Background Layer and color it white. Place this layer under your now transparent map and use the Paint Brush to outline or color your areas. If you use a small brush and selected a color to layout area contours you can use the Fill Bucket to layin color for that contour.
  3. When I did this screen for a comment to another thread, I typed the word 'ORIGINAL' onto a transparent layer with AA disabled. I use the Color Picker and the Fill Bucket Tool to recolor each text character with a different color then duplicated the layer. On one layer I deleted the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th character; then on the other layer I deleted the 2nd, 4th, and 6th characters. I adjusted the spacing of the characters on each layer until the overlapped like I wanted; then Adjusted the Transparency down to 50% on both layers; merge them together and then increase the opacity of the merged layer to 100%. (If I wanted to achieve AA I could have used an edge blur on each layer before Adjusting the Transparency and merging)
  4. Oops! Is there no way to delete your own comments?
  5. @Reptillian My favorite plugin for doing a manual color change for an entire layer is inside the Zip archive of the following link and is called 'PdnManualColorFilter.dll' that will enable you to tint a file one color. (The link is not correctly working at the moment, but if you select and download it, you can add '.zip' to the filename code that downloads and extract the plugins until the link is repaired) https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18112-color-inpainting-v10/ BTW: Since Black, White, & Gray-Scale are not hues, trying to shift hues has no effect. Once Black, White, or Gray text is recolored with a hue the Hue/Saturation Adjustment plugins will work just fine.
  6. I have stated that AA should be disabled during the entire project. Each step, from begining to end, should be done with AA off. Only after the text characters for the whole recoloring job has been done, should it have the edges blurred to simulate anit-aliasing. BTW: I usually begin my projects at a high pixel density. My cavases are usually about 5k x 5K pixels and resized to 1920 x 1920 pixels for web display such as Instagram.
  7. Thanks! I got it and it is ~11Mb. Here is the direct link: http://assets.ishani.org/files/GenesisV2PRO-Photoshop.7z
  8. I never get a black outline when I disable AA. In fact I get the black outline that you illustrated only when AA is enabled. You must not have turned Rasterization off! I disable AA in my setup under Raterization before I even start my project. I enter my text on a transparent background I stated above that after I make my text fill color changes, I add an edge blur by using the Featering plugin set to 1 to simulate AA after I am done recoloring my text. I would suggest that you zoom into to your black text before you add any fill to see it its outline is pixelated (jagged with out any anti-aliased pixels), if it isn't; rasterization of that layer has not been removed! This can can further be tested by using the Line / Cure Tool and draw a 1 pixel diagonal line on your layer and zoom in to see if it is pure black and jagged or is it alter by surronding it with gray-scale pixels. You can toggle AA off and on during this test by selecting the Rasterization Icon to see the differences in the line quality.
  9. I heard that many multi-layer TIFF are actually PSD files in a TIFF container and just changing the file extension from TIFF to PSD is all that is needed to open it with layers intact. I have no layered TIFFs to test this information.
  10. To get the problem that you are experiencing, you must be working on huge canvases to need 2000 point text. Your example appears to have a canvas width of about 15,000 pixels On second thought, what font are you using? If you are using a font that is designed for some svg purposes, they are really small and you would need to select a large point size to make them look okay in document that does not scale like a vector image would.
  11. I am not understading this statement above. I download PNG and TIFF with images with some transparency on a regular bases and have no trouble working with them. If you mean that you have multi-layered TIFFs that you want to use in Paint.NET and can't, you can open and save them in another image editor and resave in a format that Paint.NET has a filetype plugin which can be use to open.
  12. When Anti-Aliasing is enabled it alters pixels and hue values of surrounding pixels to give the illusion that 'jaggies' have been 'smoothed'. This makes it difficult to fill an area that is no longer uniform in color as it is when Anti-Aliasing has not been applied. Anti-Aliasing is applied to a raster image to diminish the effect of pixellization. BTW: When working with solid color text and Anti-Aliasing has been disabled; you can often have the Tolerance set to 1% and get a perfect fill. That is not possible when AA is enabled and applied to a text character.
  13. Every needed to recreate the results of the OpArt tutorial already exist and is availible to a Paint.NET user so inclined to take up the task. The hair styles plugin in concept is not clear to me. If you include an example there may be a series of effects that can achieve it.
  14. When I work with text on a transparent layer I always make sure that AA is disabled. This makes Fill recoloring precise. After recoloring is done you can simulate AA by using Feathering or Edge Blur set to 1 and apply it to the text layer. @andymix There should be no background on the transparent layer. Maybe you are incorrectly thinking that the checkerboard pattern of the transparent area is a background that the Wand Tool cannot remove!? It has been like that for years.
  15. That is to bad and even a bit elitist considering even the revered Photoshop accommodate plugins !?
  16. Greetings, To remove a piece you need to do the opposite of what you have explained. Have to white puzzle as the foreground and your color photo montage as the background. To remove a piece, use the Wand Tool ~50% tolerance and delete the white area of a puzzle piece to reveal what is on the layer underneth and save each step as a PNG. Undo merge/save steps and repeat for each puzzle piece reveal. Make sure that after each Undo; you are woring with the top layer only! When all the pieces are removed you can add each of the save images to a AGIF/APNG animation with agif/apgn filetype animation plugin. Remember: A GIF animation can only contain up to 256 colors, so you will want to do a APNG animation to maintain color depth! Also the APNG animator animates from the bottom layer up so the full white puzzle image should be athe the bottom and layer above should have one piece revealed, and so on to the top where all pieces are revealed.
  17. There is a thing as layered TIFF files, but Paint.NET does not support layered TIFF containers, Photoshop and GIMP do! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TIFF I always save as a PDN file first then save as the merged layer TIFF second! If I want to alter my image I can go back a re-work the PDN files. BTW: I also save iterations of the work as PDN files as it progresses and give the files names such as 'filename_01.pdn, filename.02, and so on, that way I can even go back to earlier iterations and even insert layers from later interations. I have Terabytes of storage and I like to backup often for peace of mind! I had a system crash after installing Windows 1903 Insider's Update. The system would not repair nor restore! It was a good thing that I had my hard drive backed up also!
  18. Are you using the Windows print utility or the Paint.NET Print It plugin in?
  19. Maybe someone will develop a plugin that will address your needs in the future, but if you have Photoshop and and it does what you need, it would be wise and expediant to use it!
  20. @Ego Eram Reputo One of links I provided addresses this issue directly: " It's about altering the "root" file association for ONLY the image editor, leaving the default app for VIEWING to whatever you have in place now."
  21. Greetings, Maybe these links will help: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-files/change-default-image-editor/4b01b777-338f-49c1-8300-9bcd7f60c160 https://www.winhelponline.com/blog/change-default-image-editor-edit-command-right-click-image/ https://www.ghacks.net/2018/11/09/microsoft-confirms-file-association-bug-in-windows-10-version-1803/
  22. Thanks! So there may be a way to run a similar batch/bulk image + filter processing from a command line within IrfanView!?
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