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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. I just realized that the original query is from 8 years ago.
  2. It is more than usefull, but important that a user of Paint.NET review the Documentation of its main features by pressing F1 after the program is loaded.
  3. On a 10,000 x 10,000 pixel canvas I was able to use fonts sized up to 2000 points before the point size box went red
  4. Greetings, Have you tried uninstalling and then reinstalling your mouse drivers?
  5. Did you try typing in other point sizes? https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/TextTool.html
  6. Greetings! Here is another way to skin the cat, or sphere in this case. 🙂 https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18968-shape3d-2007-08-24-updated-august-2017/ https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/1964-grid-maker-plugin-v30-updated-july-2-2014/ ( I used BoltBait/s v4.5 of Grid Maker but could not find a link to where I got it.) BTW: Make sure that Half Sphere Texture Map is selected in the Shape3D plugin if you like this straight on view. You can uncheck the Lighting and the Specular Hilight boxes to get rid of the modeling effect upon the sphere.
  7. BTW: When using Ed Harvey's Effects Halftone plugin, the users is not limited to using dots as a halftone screen!
  8. I also mentioned in my 1st comment to this thread; that there is a link to 'Plug in or method of generating Zip-a-Tone/Benday Dots', in additon to TR's. (It was my attempt at being thorough 🙂) Within link is a mention and example of using an Ed Harvey's Effects for producing halftone screens.
  9. @Ego Eram Reputo Check this out! Note: After you try this you can use the Grim Color Reaper or some similar plugin to make the white areas of the dot field transparent. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/15595-grim-color-reaper-plugin/ You can repeat the steps to make other dot fields using a diffrent Primary color such as the cyan. magenta and yellow in the example provided by docnich. To overlape the Halftone dot field you have to play a round with opacity/transparency of the layers Halftone plugin that I used came from Ed Harvey's Effects Pack: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18811-ed-harvey-effects-v-40-2012-02-13/
  10. It is great to hear that our information was useful! I appears that in the original design there are 3 transparent layers of translucent halftone dots that have a sequential range of sizes. There is a Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow halftone layer. They overlap and angle ever so slightly to produce blue, green, and black dots and dot fragments.
  11. To create various halftone effects upon a layer; this plugins maybe helpful: You can use the Outline Object plugin and the custom Shapes from BoltBait's Plugin Pack to add the out line colors to your explosion type shape from the pack: Links to useful information:
  12. I still have a copy of Windows 386 (v2.10) on 5.25 disk with the original packaging and manual. $$$ 🙂 Is there a 16bit version of Paint.NET? 🙂
  13. @Berenguela Greetings, I have used the Layers>Rotate/Zoom feature to align or position an image object to a desired perspective! https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/RotateZoom.html
  14. The are pros and cons concerning tracking watermarking. Some authors use this technology as a method of protecting intellectual property. Government agencies require manufactures to embed this technology so that content can be forensically traced back to a source or device. Game companies use it to track user data. I am not aware of any one size fits all solution or override for this. If you can see the Tracking Watermark, you can erase it, cover it, or smudge it.
  15. There should be an easier alternative than have to use the command line every time you want to open a particular file extension with an app. Can an administrator override the app protection or unhide the executible to assoicate a file type without editing the registry? If so, then how? If not,then why?
  16. Greetings MagEugeni, You do realized that Alex GD ask the question nine years ago? I hope that he has found a solution by now.
  17. I also have provided a link to an .SVG file from wikimedia commons of the Philadelphia Eagles workmark logo in my above comment from yesterday. I also provided a link from the same web site for a large PNG version of the file (below): (with the SVG image you can rescale and/or deconstruct file into its various elements without having to 'reinvent the wheel', as the saying goes)
  18. @BoltBait I guess that I am out of date! I never use apps so I don't know how the are accessed and stored. I discovered that it requires a reg edit to do the file extension association, and I found no utility to help.
  19. Do a system wide wildcard for 'paint' to loacate every file on your system that has the text string of paint in its file name. This will locate the path where your paint.net executible is.
  20. Your issue is not that complicated and I do indeed understand it! Your issue was addressed at 4 minutes and 3 seconds into the video link that I added on May 25th, but I created a simple tutorial for additional assistance for you and others. I have included some additional information here: If Paint.NET does not appear automatically you will have to go to the prorgarm files>paint.net folder and associate the extention to the executble file manually. Follow the gold star and it will get you started! You are almost at the finish line. This time break the ribbon! (I will have to add the additional steps G and H to the tutorial to cover this eventuality)
  21. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Philadelphia_Eagles_wordmark.svg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7d/Philadelphia_Eagles_wordmark.svg/2000px-Philadelphia_Eagles_wordmark.svg.png
  22. Greetings, You could duplicate the layer then turn off anit-aliasing. Next choose a color that is not in the area that you want to delete. Set your desired brush width for the line you want to delete and draw over it with that selected color then use the wand tool to delete that color.
  23. There is a built-in sepia adjustment in Paint.NET and there is another sepia adjustment plugin in the Plugin Pack here: Sepia 2
  24. You could have simplified the process by doing all of the art in Paint.NET Below I used a 5000x5000 px canvas I used layers for each part of the composition On the top transparent layer I used EER's Diagonal Lines plugin Diagonal Lines v2.0 with the settings that you see: ( The line angle, color, width, and interval are adjustable)
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