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Reptillian last won the day on March 14 2023

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  1. New filter released: Statistical Mode It just returns the most common color. Useful for extracting background in case you have 8-bit depth images which consists mostly of the same color, so you can have different objects and still return background. I might make this as a plugin as a exercise to new workflow in Paint.NET plugin development.
  2. Looks like a fun thing to try out. I won't do it in C# though. And I even have more idea than simply orthogonal directions.
  3. There's Transfer Color [Reduced Colors] in G'MIC though that needs reworking. Maybe it'll be done with my huge re-engineering process this year or next year. That has Bayer dithering.
  4. I pushed a faster version of Lavander Binary Map. Old one with using 11 (2048x2048) : 0.667 s New one with using 11 (2048x2048) : 0.057 s ~12x faster! It’s using lookup table now. That’s all the practical changes.
  5. Thanks. Also, I checked, it's here and it'll work for 3.3.5 as I developed on 3.3.5, so you can get it now.
  6. Personally, that's a great idea. I know that this is rooted in math conventions, but contextually, it's great.
  7. Long time no post here. First major re-engineering to one of my filter has been done. OOBS used to be there before, but now it has been rewritten. As it'll be for G'MIC 3.3.6, and we don't have that now, you can temporarily use it here as a debugging test - https://gist.github.com/Reptorian1125/fe5a16df550b258376c893cd0c8b039c And you can import .gmic sources via G'MIC plugin, so you can use it now before 3.3.6. Example result:
  8. Wasn't there was a locked thread where images are overlayed using image as reference because the developer is long gone, and the source file is gone as well? I feel that there may be something there that can be recreated via G'MIC scripting.

    1. Ego Eram Reputo

      Ego Eram Reputo

      Nothing comes to mind. Did you search for Image Stacking?

  9. That seems exciting. I'd be able to make a batch conversion tool via G'MIC here. Hopefully, it's not too complicated.
  10. I don't think it'll happen. You're better off supporting .ora and having .ora standards changed, so that you can use it in other programs. This also makes Paint.NET better too indirectly.
  11. On G'MIC website, it's 3.3.3, this is just to let the author of the G'MIC plugin for PDN to update it to 3.3.3. So, if you see any one other than @null54 saying G'MIC has been released, it's for letting him know.
  12. Ich wünsche Dir ein Frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Start in das Jahr 2024.


    Lieben Gruß


  13. I made changes to pal command and changes to GUI filters that use it. There are new palettes, and 1 removed palettes: + Golden Wall + Piet Mondrian Palette + Lospec500 + Cretaceous-16 + Japanese Woodblock + Vanilla Milkshake - Pastel Rainbow The new palettes:
  14. I have this issue when copy and pasting from Paint.NET into Firefox. Unfortunately, I'll just shrug and say "I'll just live then.".
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