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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. Second is great, just the white is terrible. (The white around the focal) First one is a bit bland, but otherwise very cool!
  2. (himself22) You will be able to tell by skill, and you would have probably seen their work somewhere.
  3. Really awesome. I love the nice blending of stocks to make it feel like one image. ^_^
  4. Me too! ^_^ Stocks are listed in my gallery.
  5. Wow, that looks quite r.e.a.l.i.s.t.i.c! AWESOME job! And I have never had to make a bow, so I don't know how. Sorry.
  6. The theme is: Aquatics! THE WINNER IS MAYOR_MCSTEEZE! SECOND IS J.D.MELEK! THIRD IS FLIP! Hidden Content: Explanation: This week, two-time SOTW winner csm725 has decided to choose Aquatics as the theme. The idea is to make a signature focusing on something that lives or travels on the surface of or under the ocean; sailboats, submarines, coral reefs are some examples. Fictional and/or fantastical creatures are allowed.Stocks are allowed, so have fun!. The Deadline for this competition is 23:59 (11:59) (EST) on Wednesday, September 1st To see the current time in EST, click here (WorldTimeServer.com). -- Check the SOTW Rules! If your entry breaks any of the rules it will be disqualified. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Max sig dimensions 500x200. NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500x150, so if it's too large don't try to use it as your sig. No crude / offensive language, pics, et cetera. Sig must follow the set theme. Only one entry per person and no modifications to your image are allowed after submitting your entry. You must post the URLs to any and all stock images used in your sig. You are allowed one post in this topic. That post should include your sig, links to your source images. Placeholders (empty-posting now, editing in a link to your sig later) are not permitted. Use new, fresh siggys. The idea is to get you to create new things, and if you're digging back in your storehouse of unused signatures, you're not doing that. Note also that the winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition! ------------------------------------------------------------------ This thread is for posting your entries only! If you wish to talk about one of the entries you can do so here. If a comment or other non-entry post is mistakenly made in this thread, it will be moved without penalty to the discussion thread. Just don't be surprised when it magically jumps over there. Good luck all, and thanks for participating!
  7. I like this idea. I really do. I would host, but I have three competitions on my hands.
  8. It will be up tommorow...I jus now got the description, so tommorow it will be.
  9. Axle: 1 Gazek: 0 Axle, your's is sorta plain, but has a nice design to it. Gazek, it is to newbish. Try to make something more complex. Not to complex, but a bit more complex than this one.
  10. Nice job. I like the first one. Welcome to the forums!
  11. Axle: Thanks for the opinions. On your sig, I think it is too plain. There are no real effects on the render, and the text is quite bad. I like the style though, just ways to improve it. cecemel99: I think you should place the text somewhere near the head, and maybe add a gradient in it. It would go well with the sig. But remember, only please your self. What do you guys think of this? One of my favourite players of my favourite NFL team!
  12. Really close! I hate that the mouth got cut off though.
  13. Going awesome so far, Sozo. Keep it up!
  14. Honestly, I love it. Nice use of c4ds, the smudging is AWESOME, and it is just exceptional! How long have you been in Paint.NET? Only problem I really have is the text, but no sig is perfect. Any thoughts on my new sig? Decided to give c4ds a try: The c4d going thru her face is so she doesn't look pasted on. Stocks are posted in my gallery.
  15. Nice job, love how it is like a new style.
  16. Well, I love NOOBz. It is awesome, I love the c4d used. Paint Dot Mike, the render is squashed into the sig, which is never a good thing. Plus, the font is pretty sloppy. Paint Dot Mike - 0 NOOBz - 2
  17. lol, I feel so dumb right now.
  18. The font is the only problem I have with it. Nice job!
  19. Well, it uses lines instead of c4ds, (or I thought) so to me that is vector.
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