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Everything posted by flip

  1. Can you give an example on what you're trying to do, because I don't get what you're trying to say.
  2. Maybe that's because there isn't one. :?
  3. Thanks for all the entries, everyone. I'm thinking about closing this comp early because there's a lot of entrants already.
  4. And post DIRECT LINKS. There's nothing I hate more than going to a photobucket/flikr/imageshack page, while the direct link to it is right there. :x
  5. Thank you very much. It seems like you are one of the only people who actually look past the renders and poop. Once again, all my stuff is 100% PDN now. No renders allowed.
  6. flip

    Sharp 7.25.11

    Looks like somebody likes my texture method. :wink:
  7. This is the same thing as the plugin. It really is. If you experimented with 20 different techniques then you wasted your time. No offense.
  8. Is that 100% PDN? If so really nice rock texture.
  9. Pretty nice stuff, but I think you should try and not use renders. It makes a lot less PDN work involved.
  10. http://searchpaint.net ssseeeaaarrrccchhh.
  11. Nice circle effect, and nice grass effect. Very nice job.
  12. There is a border... I was going to add a glass window but then I remember how everything I make is the same. :wink: EDIT:
  13. I present to you, my 100% Paint.net wallpaper. I'm really happy with the text, because it's 100% PDN. The font used was Arial.
  14. Well, this one is a big success too. Thanks to everyone who entered. Maybe I should start making the deadline shorter, because everyone submits on the first or second day. :o
  15. Thanks a lot man. You saved this computer I'm on.
  16. The download link is broken... come someone upload the DLL and post it here? Thanks in advance.
  17. When I click it it gives me a picture of a grunge-y wallpaper.
  18. Oh right, this theme is kinda right up your alley, eh?
  19. Sorry to nothingmuch, but I can't submit your entry. You were the last person to submit, and the poll only allows 10 entrants. Sorry. ............................... (Click the bold names to see that person's entry.) Entrants: flip theonlychad APShredder pipp92 yy10 KillerK game_freak Sharp Kemaru welshblue nothinmuch
  20. That lens flare on that planet is pretty spiffy. Nice job.
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